- Журнал "Экономический Вестник Узбекистана" - https://evu.uz -


     At all times, foreign trade relations have had a beneficial effect on strengthening the cooperation between countries. It is a well-known fact that the first item of Chinese export in the II century BC was silk, which gave the name to the route that for many centuries connected East and West – the Great Silk Road. In those ancient times, the Great Silk Road was not a single highway, it united several roads that ran around deserts and mountain ranges. Since the VI century AD, rivers and seas have been used for transportation.
     The competitive export should also be an effective one, namely: to create a market for highly skilled workers, to introduce and develop technologies in production. Special attention is paid by the leadership of our country to expanding the position of domestic products in foreign markets, as evidenced by a set of additional measures to increase the export potential of the textile and clothing industry of the country, adopted in Uzbekistan. Among them – creation of an Agency for export promotion under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 20, 2018, whose tasks include implementation of the program “Made in Uzbekistan” to promote domestic brands and goods abroad, including through arranging national exhibitions, as well as various types of assistance to export organizations (information and advisory support, legal services, financial, marketing assistance, issues of tax and customs administration, pricing, implementation of international systems of standardization and certification, assistance in finding buyers, etc.).
     The textile industry plays a significant role in the economy and, in particular, the export of our country. The number of textile enterprises involved in export activities reached more than 1000 units. In 2018, Uzbekistan exported 1.6 billion USD worth of textile products. This is more than 10 % of the total volume of export operations.
     In 55 countries of the world export of new types of production is carried out: compact yarn, tent cloth, terry garments, house textiles, melange yarn, poplin, technical fabrics, labels and other. In the structure of exports, the share of goods with high added value in total exports amounted to more than 46 percent. Taking into account the steady and increasing demand for domestic cotton products in the world commodity market, work is underway to develop the geography of exports, search for alternative markets in the EU, America and South-East Asia. New markets have already been developed: USA, El Salvador, Philippines, Morocco, Croatia, Israel, Kenya, Canada, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and others.
     Currently, there are more than 70 trading houses of large exporting enterprises in the EU, CIS and Asia, whose main task is to establish contacts with new partners to increase exports of domestic textile products.
     In order to expand the range of domestic products, we are working on the delivery of products through online stores, as well as the introduction of Amazon into the e-Commerce system for the delivery of goods to customers. As a result, this year alone, the annual increase in exports of finished products should be about 32 million USD.
     The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 14, 2017 “On measures for accelerated development of the textile and garment industry” opened wide opportunities for manufacturers-exporters. The best design developments, proceeding from tendencies, trends and the directions of modern fashion are introduced into production process. For example, FE “BultekstEurostar” LLC works with the Bulgarian designers of the company “Cocket” and produces products under the “Cherubino” brand, the LLC “Imeni 8 Marta” works closely with Italian designers, LLC “Dong San” – with the Association of designers of South Korea, the JV “Eurotextglobal” – with German, the LLC “Lukbotextile” – with Turkish, the LLC “Freshstyle” – the Russian designers. Along with this the works of domestic designers of the design-center “Sharq Liboslari” functioning under the Association “Uztextileprom” are widely used.
     In carrying out export and import operations the prompt delivery of goods to the buyer plays an important role, which is promoted by the Department of “Development of logistic and engineering infrastructure” of the Association “Uztextileprom” which together with transport and logistics companies UNICO, Access World Transpor, TIR-AVTO CJ and ICM FZCO provide professional services for transportation and logistics to textile companies in the country.
     In order to ensure the implementation of export plans for 2019 (1.9 billion USD) the Association “Uztextileprom” organized a command center for export support, which includes staff members as well as regional representatives of the Association. They promote the export of domestic textile products, study and resolve existing problems.
You can read the full text of the article in the print version of the journal. [1]