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Geological Exploration Is An Important Process In The Uranium Industry

     The uranium mining industry occupies an important place in the developing mineral resource base of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Particularly, our republic is among the leading countries in the world in terms of uranium ore reserves and production. It is known that the role of geological exploration is irreplaceable in determining and studying uranium reserves.
     Uranium as a mineral is an important source of raw materials for nuclear power, medicine, scientific research and other industries, and due to the current geopolitical situation and the increased need for energy resources, the demand for this mineral is constantly growing.
     In the preparation and production of uranium reserves, data identified at the exploration stage are of paramount importance: at this stage, all the necessary information is collected to identify reserves, their evaluation and rational use of deposits.
     Formation and strengthening of uranium mineral resource base on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for more than 70 years was carried out by Urankamyobmet-geologiya JSC (formerly Kyzyltepageologiya SAC).
     It would not be wrong to note that the recent years have been a period of radical change and renewal in the geological industry of the Republic. For modernization and digitalization of the branch, increase of volumes and efficiency of geological surveys, creation and development of new geological service, direction of natural resources for the benefit of our people, first of all, the basis for further development of geological science and training of modern personnel was created, production of modern drilling and laboratory equipment was introduced.
     In particular, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 14, 2022 № PP-319 “On measures of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. No. PP-319 “On measures to increase uranium mining, processing and transformation of the State Enterprise Navoiuran in 2022-2030” with the purpose of structural and production transformation of the enterprise was set the task of joining JSC Urankamyobmetgeologiya, which is mainly engaged in geological exploration of uranium, to the State Enterprise Navoiuran with preservation of its functions. On November 1, 2022, as a result of the implementation of the measures and instructions specified in this resolution, Urankamyobmetgeologiya JSC became a part of Navoiuran State Enterprise as a research and production center “Uranium and Rare Metals Geology”, and today it is a single complex that fully covers all stages – from uranium geological exploration, evaluation of its reserves and mining to the production of uranium semi-finished products.
     Currently, the scientific and production center “Geology of Uranium and Rare Metals” includes 3 geological exploration expeditions – “Bukantau”, “Nurota” and “Zirabulak”, located in Navoi and Samarkand regions, which conduct independent geological exploration works in the northern, central and southern parts of the republic. Besides, there is a complex of geological laboratories, which are engaged in research and analysis of rocks, mineral compositions, technological solutions on the basis of results of field geological surveys, conducted by the mentioned expeditions and serving geological exploration works.
     Today our geologists, geophysicists, geotechnologists, drillers, topographers and surveyors work selflessly and sometimes under difficult conditions in all regions of the republic, especially in uranium-specialized regions, such as Central Kyzylkum, Ziyautdin-Zirabulak, Syrdarya depressions, putting their knowledge and experience into the development of geology. Specialists of geological exploration expeditions carry out works covering all stages of processes using the experience accumulated over 70 years of the company’s operation to strengthen the mineral resource base and develop uranium production.
     Thanks to the researches carried out in the territory of our country, the reserves and forecast resources of subsoil are increasing year by year.
     In recent years, under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Mining and Metallurgical Industry and Geology with the participation of sectoral specialists, meetings have been repeatedly held on the implementation of promising geological sites, exploration and mining programs, rational use of land resources and expansion of the country’s mineral resource base, and relevant instructions and instructions have been given. As the head of state emphasized, the fact that the sphere of geology is of strategic importance in providing the growing economy of our country with resources proves its relevance today. The large-scale reforms carried out in our country in recent years have yielded positive results on all fronts of the economy, and cardinal changes are also taking place in the direction of geological exploration of raw uranium resources, its mining and processing. Large-scale modernization of industry facilities, the purchase of more than 20 additional drilling rigs and improved operational efficiency in drilling operations have resulted in increased productivity and new, extensive additional geo-information.
     To ensure timely fulfillment of the tasks set for the enterprise, increase uranium reserves and dramatically increase uranium production volumes, both domestic and foreign specialized drilling companies are engaged on outsourcing terms to perform technological and geological exploration drilling works. As a result, the scope of exploration work has been expanded and studies have been carried out in more than 40 projects. In particular, in the northern part of the poorly explored Bukantau mountains and in the Syrdarya depressions of the republic, for the first time, prospective uranium areas were identified as a result of geological exploration works; in Navoi region, as a result of innovative approaches of geologists of Navoiuran SE, new promising deposits Kyzylkok and Auminza, as well as Arnasai in Farish district of Jizzak region were discovered.
     Thanks to the attention and tireless work of specialists paid to the industry this year, on the basis of geological exploration and experimental-industrial works on the fields “Severny Bukinoy”, “South-Eastern Zhingeldy” and “Aktau” the reserves of these fields were fully studied, a final geological report summarizing geological reports and feasibility studies of the fields was prepared. Based on the analytical reports reviewed by the State Commission on Reserves under the Ministry of Mining and Metallurgical Industry and Geology, these deposits were recognized as ready for development and the perspectivity of their reserves was confirmed.
     If earlier, as a result of the expansion of the mineral resource base, uranium reserves increased by 5-6 thousand tons per year, today, the increase in uranium reserves by more than 10 thousand tons per year has been achieved due to the increase in the volume of geological exploration and prospecting work.
     Moreover, the implementation of transformation processes in the geological industry resulted in the fact that the reserves of 17 deposits identified as a result of geological exploration were evaluated by the consulting company SRK Consalting Group (Great Britain) in accordance with the standards of the international JORC Code.
Sherali JURAEV, Director for Geology of the SE “Navoiyuran”
You can read the whole article in the printed version of the magazine. [1]