- Журнал "Экономический Вестник Узбекистана" - https://evu.uz/en -

History of the magazine



Dear Readers!
     The magazine “O‘zbekiston iqtisodiy axborotnomasi – Economic Bulletin of Uzbekistan” is one of the first publications in Central Asia (formerly Turkestan, Middle Asia). Since 1919 till now, it has been published under six titles over 600 times with a total circulation of several million.
     The magazine received its current name at the end of 1998 on the initiative of the Editorial Board to rename it with the consent of the first President of our country Islam Abduganievich Karimov. And all this time, the magazine is keeping its print brand with dignity, marching along with the people and the country in tune with the times, along the path of transformations.
     The publication, relying on the support of analysts and economists, active contributors and the public, experts and professionals in various spheres and sectors of the economy, mobilizing all its creative potential to justify the responsibility assigned to the Editorial Board for a wide-format and realistic reflection of government reforms and the active work of the creators of the present and the future of our country, pays great attention to the effective use of its printed space, on the pages of which the historical milestones of the functioning and interaction of all structures of the private and public sectors of the country’s national economy in the context of macroeconomic indicators of the innovative dynamics of regional development unfold.
     The magazine has invariably, throughout all the years of its existence, pursues a line of attracting the best minds of economic thinking, outstanding representatives of the national academic school and education, science and culture, all spheres of economy and business. Thanks to the chosen path of timely, deep and impartial assessment of relevant tasks and challenges of the time, the journal has become an analytical, information and statistical source of knowledge, useful, in demand and accessible to a wide range of readers.
     Taking up the novelties of advertising and printing services and artistic and technical design, new opportunities and solutions of design art that appear in the media, the magazine annually improves the quality of publication and the level of publications, pleasing thousands of its regular subscribers and readers.
     Over the years of independence, the journal kept its significance and received the status of an regional one and made an evolutionary update, reaching an international level, with presentation of materials in a new design and analytical format, which was highly appreciated by a number of well-known international economics.
     Today the magazine O’zbekiston Iqtisodiy Axborotnomasi – Economic Bulletin of Uzbekistan” has established itself as an authoritative socio-economic mouthpiece of the Central Asian region, recognized as one of the elite economic publications of the country, on the pages of which the most reliable, complete and verified information is published, dedicated to the regions of the country as well as branches of the economy, highlights the urgent tasks and strategic prospects of the country, mechanisms for stimulating economic growth. The successful combination of these drivers of development and advancement of the economy to the international level increases the importance of the journal, becomes the guarantor of the unflagging attention to it of an increasing number of readers and admirers.
     The editors strive to improve all aspects of their activities in order to make the publication a popular, competent and comprehensive guide in the world of the modern economy.
     One of the tasks of the magazine, according to the creative team of the Editorial Board, is the development of economic education, which is a necessary spiritual resource not only for understanding, but also for the further development of a market economy. The magazine is called upon to contribute to this cause.
     Great attention paid to the content, presentation of the author’s material, the depth of analysis and practical orientation, allowed the editorial board to achieve cardinal positive changes that put “EBU” in the line of the leading economic publications of our republic.
     The efforts of the founder, editorial board, creative team and all employees of the magazine are aimed at making it one of the best authoritative economic publications in the country, to win an even larger readership. The creative team of the editorial staff will continue to objectively cover current issues and tasks, preserving the traditions, relying on the principles of increasing demand for the magazine through a creative approach to presenting new ideas and practical proposals.