The development strategy of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant provides for creation of new capacities for extraction and processing of gold and uranium ores, as well as implementation of major investment projects related to the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing mining and hydrometallurgical complexes. In essence, the investment will ensure stable production growth.
The investment program of the plant includes projects aimed at construction of hydrometallurgical plants, discovery of new deposits of precious metals, modernization and technical re-equipment of production facilities, as well as replacement of outdated technological equipment using the best practices of innovative and scientific and technical achievements. Under these projects, in total 65 new facilities have been put into operation over the past ten years.
The analysis shows that from 59 to 68% of the investment funds were spent on modernization and reconstruction of the existing capacities of the enterprise in 2015-2017. Since 2018, due to launching of the Program to increase the production of precious metals until 2026, significant changes are taking place in the financing the investment policy of the plant. In the total volume of investment, the share of funds allocated for new construction prevails. This means that the plant has actively started to create new capacities for development of new deposits of precious metals, their extraction and production.
The investment project “V stage of Development of the Muruntau Field” is one of the most important for the Central Mining Administration of the plant. Currently, on the northern side of the mine (side), work is underway to open and develop reserves. In 2021, it is planned to work with the reserves of the Besapantov, Dardanell, Balpantov and Tamdybulak deposits, increase the volume of ore production and deliver up to 50 million tons of ore per year to the 2nd Hydrometallurgical Plant. To date, the length of the Muruntau field is 4.3 km, width – 3.2 km, depth – 600 meters. The mining-geological and mining-technical solutions that are used in the framework of the V stage of development of the field will allow increasing the depth of the field to 1000 meters in the future. At the same time, the extracted reserves will be enough to provide resource portfolio for 50 years.
In the Address of President Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis, it was noted that in 2021 the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant plans to put into operation 2 new hydrometallurgical facilities.
The establishment of these plants was stipulated by the Plant Development Program until 2026 approved the head of our country in 2017. According to this document, over the past four years, funds in the amount of $ 1.7 billion were utilized and 10 facilities were created, which contributed to an increase of gold production at the plant by 10% and silver – by 45%.
Deputy Director General of the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant