- Журнал "Экономический Вестник Узбекистана" - https://evu.uz/en -

For advertisers

Dear advertisers!


The Editorial Board of the journal publishes thematic issues dedicated to international cooperation with advanced countries, leading spheres, industries and regions. In order to expand business communications, improve the investment climate of our country and promote the Uzbekistan brand, the magazine has been published since 2016 in three languages ​​(Uzbek, Russian and English) at the international level.

In this regard, we offer you media cooperation in publishing articles and advertising your company on pages of the EBU magazine, the readers of which are top and middle managers, diplomats, economists, financiers, bankers, businessmen and entrepreneurs.




Distribution of the magazine:


The magazine is distributed by subscription in total of 3000–3500 copies.

Directly from the Editorial Board or through subscription agencies: Toshkent Matbuot Tarkatuvchi Media, Uzbekiston Pochtasi, Matbuot Tarkatuvchi, InformExpress, Inform Pochta, Kaleon Inform, Toshkent Pochtampti, Express Contact, Matbuot Tezkor Pochtasi, Lider Press.


And free of charge:


Press stands of the embassies of foreign countries;

Press stands of four- and five-star hotels in Tashkent;

On board the international flights of “Uzbekistan Airways” JSC;

On board of high-speed trains “Afrosiab” of “Uzbekiston Temir Yullari” JSC;

Ministries and agencies;

Bank lounges;

In the hall of the BLACK STAR CAR WASH complex.



Journal specification:


      publication format – 210 × 290 mm;

      number of pages – 100–150;

      circulation – 5000 copies;

      periodicity – 6 issues per year;


      cover – 250 g / m2 4 + 4 colors + UV varnishing;

     inner block – 90 g / m2 4 + 4 paint;

     the main advertising block is 150 g / m2.

     language of issue – Uzbek, Russian, English


Technical requirements for layout and publication:


format 215 × 295 mm (pre-cut)

TIFF (without profile embedding),

CDR (curved fonts);

330 dpi;

Max. amount of paints 300%;

minimum color presence 3%;

CMYK color model

minimum line width 0.5 pt .;

media: CD-disks, DVD, USB-Flash;

full-size printout of the original layout with the signature “Approved for printing”;

Copies of licenses, certificates.


Articles / interviews and advertisements of partners are also published on the magazine’s website



The magazine is being published since March 1919.



Head of Advertising


Ryabov E