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Navoiuran is an Enterprise that Makes a Great Contribution to the Development of Our Country’s Economy

     In recent years, a number of measures have been taken in our country to ensure the effective implementation of programs for the comprehensive geological study of subsoil, the development and reproduction of the mineral resource base for the long term, and the rational use of subsoil. A legal framework regulating relations in the industry has been created. The goal of the work carried out in this area is to develop the mining and metallurgical industry and geology, increase the raw ma-terial base and efficient use of subsurface re-sources.
     The role of large industrial enterprises is invaluable in the rational and efficient use of our natural resources. Particularly, Navoiuran State Enterprise as one of the largest industrial enterprises of the Republic makes a huge contribution to the development of our country’s economy and en-suring social stability.
     Although the enterprise was established in 2022 as a result of the reorganization of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine as a new structure, in a short period of time it has earned high recognition and authority in the international arena. Over 20 investment projects have been implemented at the enterprise during this period, for which more than 136 million dollars have been spent. Just in the first half of 2024, work worth 41.62 million dollars was performed within the framework of 7 investment projects, which testifies to the scale and prospects of the implemented projects. The company plans to increase this figure to 500 mil-lion by 2030 by increasing uranium mining and processing.
     As a result of tireless searches by the company’s geologists, uranium was discovered in Arnasay district of Jizzakh region. Moreover, the consulting company “SRK Consulting Group” estimated the reserves of 17 selected deposits in accordance with the standards of the Australian JORC Code (JORC Code) – the report on the results of pro-specting, mineral resources and mineral reserves.
     These works are carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Head of our state dated 14 July 2022 “On measures to increase uranium mining, processing and transformation of Navoiuran State Enterprise in 2022-2030”. This historic document defines the main directions of further develop-ment of Navoiuran State Enterprise. In particular, it sets tasks to bring the uranium mineral resource base up to 100 thousand tones, increase uranium production 3 times, bring the organizational and financial structure of the enterprise up to the level of modern uranium mining companies “Orano Mining”, “Uranium One”, “Kazatomprom” and other international companies.
     Over the past historically short period of time, thanks to the dedicated labour of thousands of workers and specialists, modern industrial complexes with developed production, transport and social infrastructure have been built in the expanses of Kizilkum, known not only in our country but also abroad. Strengthening co-operation ties with leading foreign companies allows us to fur-ther expand the opportunities for the production of natural uranium products, ensuring the stable operation of the entire industry.
     In the period of profound reforms and cardinal transformations in all spheres under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the many thousands of employees of this enterprise do not stay aside, working round the clock to develop the industry, contributing to the progress of the country and the well-being of our people. Employees mobilise all their strength, knowledge and experience to achieve high pro-duction results and improve the infrastructure of the regions.
     This enterprise with a 65-year history, but always young, has united thousands of geologists, geotechnologists, geophysicists, drillers, surveyors – our compatriots who are confidently moving towards a common goal, selflessly performing their work. Today, new jobs are being created and the enterprise’s team, replenished with new young forces, is honorably fulfilling the responsible tasks entrusted to it.
     In recent years, practical activities have been ini-tiated to intensify geological exploration in cooperation with foreign partners, to develop shale gas deposits in Uzbekistan, and to participate in uranium production projects in cooperation with foreign companies and at the international level.
     Furthermore, in the Zarafshan mining and indus-trial region, where the largest subdivision of the enterprise is located, measures have been identified to commission a number of new high-tech production facilities, expand the output of competitive industrial products, maximize the use of the huge natural, industrial, labor and intellectual potential of the region, as well as create decent living conditions for the population of the mining region and further improve its infrastructure. I believe that the highly qualified and experienced staff of the enterprise, as well as specialists with in-depth knowledge and skills, will successfully cope with such large scale tasks.
     Nowaday, when a new stage of strategic trans-formations has begun in our country, the State Enterprise ‘Navoiuran’ is facing important tasks, successful fulfilment of which will allow it to strengthen its positions in the development of the country’s economy and make a worthy contribu-tion to the welfare of our people.
Bobir ISLAMOV, Minister of Mines and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan