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(English) The Renewed Pharmaceuticals is the Demands of the Time

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     Nowadays, as is observed in all spheres of our country, high growth rates are ensured in the pharmaceutical sector, and medicines are prepared from local raw materials up to the world standard. Of course, on the basis of renovations in the sphere there are required factors, such as actions entrenched by the President and the Government, a number of decisions and decrees being implemented in practice.
     Particularly, in recent years, comprehensive measures have been taken in our country to improve the production system of medicines, medical products and medical equipment, favorable conditions have been created for the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry.
     Customs privileges in this area also attract the attention. In particular, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1008, a list of technological and laboratory equipment, components and spare parts for them, «clean rooms equipment», sandwich panels and ventilation systems for pharmaceutical production facilities, as well as raw materials and materials not produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, used to keep laboratory animals, preclinical studies, production of medicines (including intra-pharmacy manufacturing), medical products and packaging materials imported by manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, specialized research institutes and higher educational institutions for their own needs, as well as enterprises engaged in wholesale and retail sale of pharmaceutical products for intra-pharmacy manufacturing, exempted from payment of customs duties for a period up to January 1, 2022. Another major step forward taken in this area is the organization of the activities of free economic zones of the pharmaceutical industry.
Pharmaceutical free economic zones
     In order to consistently implement investment projects aimed at developing the pharmaceutical industry of the republic, creating favorable conditions for actively attracting foreign and local investments in this sphere, deep processing of raw materials of medicinal plants and organizing the production of pharmaceutical products with high added value, pharmaceutical free economic zones have been created in the regions of the republic. Today, six of these free economic zones are effectively functioning in our republic. The main objectives of these pharmaceutical free economic zones are:
     ● Maintaining the comprehensive and sustainable use of the production and potential resources of the Andijan, Jizzakh, Namangan, Surkhandarya and Tashkent regions for the cultivation of raw materials of lower medicinal plants in specific natural conditions and their subsequent processing;
     ● attraction of direct investments of foreign and local investors to organize the production of modern pharmaceutical products and medicines with high added value, foremost on the basis of therapeutic moiety (substances) and medicinal plants grown on plantations created in accordance with the established procedure;
     ● creation of powerful capabilities for the development of the pharmaceutical sector of the republic, supporting the manufacturers of medicine and medical devices, the commoditization with own-produced local high-quality drugs;
     ● grow down the processes of localizing the manufacturing content of pharmaceutical products on the basis of establishing strong cooperation ties and developing industrial cooperation between organizations of free economic zones and other enterprises of the republic;
You can read the whole article in the printed version of the magazine. [2]
Dilshod AKBAROV,
First Deputy Director of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan