ICT Perspectives

High quality education is the keystone of success


     Rapidly evolving information and communication technologies are widely implemented in all spheres of public and state administration. In particular, digital television, interactive services and “Electronic government” system are widely used nowadays. Through consecutive measures aiming at the improvement of ICT and physical facilities, there are substantial changes in all spheres. Integrating modern ICT, legal and economic bases of their development, privileges in this sphere play especially important role in modernization of key sectors of economy, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises, development of new production capacity in remote regions, support of small business and private entrepreneurship.
     As a result of special attention given to comprehensive development of information and communication technologies since first years of independence, Uzbekistan has shortly managed to establish national ICT infrastructure and appropriate model of training of qualified personnel. This in turn has required providing young specialists with certain skills, mastering of theoretical and practical foundations of programming. Therefore, in 2014 Inha University has been founded in Tashkent (IUT) on the initiative of Islam Karimov, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
     However, timely implementation of purposes and tasks scheduled when establishing the University has allowed equipping lecture rooms with the best facilities, multimedia means, curriculums and training aids. This promoted increase of self-exactingness of students and requirements to educational process, free “communication” with the latest generation technologies and provided a significant opportunity to create software. Most importantly, students of Inha University in Tashkent demonstrate their achievements being equal to others. Currently, the students are taught by professors from the South Korea, the USA, France, Bulgaria and local specialists whose skills have been enhanced in leading foreign universities.
     The value of knowledge gained in young age for making students future professionals cannot be overstated. One of the relevant objectives of the University is to select most worthy, hard working on themselves and having mastered necessary knowledge applicants. Entrance examinations are administered by professors of Inha University in Korea. The University plays an important role in global technological development in Eastern Asia. This allows us to admit to study the most talented, best and comprehensively prepared young people.
     One of the distinctive features of Inha University in Tashkent is that in educational process the emphasis is put on training specialists who meet the requirements of national and international markets. This is a reason why students are concerned about meeting with leading players of ICT market and improving educational programmes as per their recommendations.
     Establishing Innovation and Industrial Design Center in the educational institution has promoted cooperation between the University and branches of the real sector of the economy, involvement of the youth in perspective projects and building the system of practical experience development. The scope of activities of the Center allows increasing research and development capacity of the University, facilitating the commercialization of innovative products and increasing interest of students in modern software development. The tasks of the Center include creating conditions to reach a new level of vocational education and training and to promote development of new thinking and necessary professional skills of students in close cooperation with practitioners during the process of research and development activities.
     The students involved in the Centre’s activities will have opportunity to work in conjunction with study. The Center provides all possibilities for collaboration of local and foreign companies. The cooperation programme promotes improving skills of students to work in real conditions. As a result, companies manage to get ready software products for themselves and customers. Such cooperation is interesting to the university, and to students, and to enterprises.
     It is necessary to highlight that for a short period of time Inha University in Tashkent has turned into the meeting point of ICT experts. IUT collaboration, Uzbek-Korean business forums and seminars have become the symbol of close and mutually beneficial relationship between two countries.
     In 2015 Inha University in Tashkent and Inha University in the South Korea signed the memorandum of local professors’ training. In the context of the memorandum specialists from Uzbekistan can study in Korea and be awarded a doctorate. The only requirement is that they should be actively engaged in training highly qualified personnel in Uzbekistan.
     The government of the republic focuses particular attention on development of the transportation and logistics sector. Taking into account the need for specialists of this sector, since the 2016-2017 academic year the University has included a new subject – logistics in its educational programme. The relevant curriculum provides implementation of professional modules, such as international logistics, product delivery system, cargo transportation, aviation and rail transportation, business management, resource planning. Graduates will be able not only to work in international and local companies but to start their own business in this sphere as well.
     Comprehensive support of the youth of our country and assistance in implementation of their initiatives promote development of the new generation in our society; the generation with a new way of thinking, a strong sense of social responsibility and capable to worthily contribute to development of our homeland. This also reflects the purposes and tasks of activities of Inha University in Tashkent.
the Rector of Inha University in Tashkent


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