Construction Materials



     Products of the German company KNAUF are well known to all — at least to those who have done a renovation. High-quality dry mixes with high-tech polymer additives and plasterboard sheets designed for wall cladding and creation of functional and decorative structures are in high demand on the Uzbek market.
     Today the KNAUF Group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of building finishing materials, working in accordance with strict German standards. The KNAUF enterprises in Uzbekistan are no exception. In his speech at the opening of the modernized production line, the Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov noted that the Bukhara plant is not inferior in terms of technological equipment to the KNAUF enterprise in the Bavarian city of Iphofen (Germany), which he had visited in the autumn of 2017.
The high-tech production of KNAUF provides the domestic market of Uzbekistan with high-quality building materials, increases the competitiveness of the economy and expands the export opportunities of the Republic. Today KNAUF dry mixes and drywall sheets are in demand not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. During almost 20-year history of working in our country 75 million USD of investments have been made to two enterprises in the Bukhara region.
For 11 months of 2018, 25 million sq. m. of KNAUF-sheets were sold, which is 89% of the planned volume. According to the forecasts of analysts of the company by the end of the year, this figure will reach 28 million sq.m.. The marketing plan for dry mixes is 94 percent complete. For 11 months 83 thousand tons of this product has been sold against the projected 88 thousand.
2018 has become the eventful year for the KNAUF Group of Companies in Uzbekistan – throughout the year many important projects in different sectors of economy and social support were implemented.
Reason to be proud
     Economic and social contributions of the KNAUF Group of Companies were highly appreciated by the Government of Uzbekistan. On August 29, 2018, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a Decree on awarding Nikolaus Wilhelm Knauf with “Dustlik” order. “For active participation in the development of production of construction materials in our country, introduction of advanced, modern technologies in the industry and attraction of large foreign investments, great services in strengthening comprehensive and mutually beneficial cooperation between Uzbekistan and Germany,” the Presidential Decree says.
KNAUF invests not only in the economy, but also in human capital, providing employees with conditions for development and career growth. In 2018, this fact was acknowledged by students and applicants, by naming the “KNAUF Gypsum Bukhara” the best employer in the industry.
Production project
     In January 2018 for full modernization of the production line the dry-wall sheets production was suspended at the factory “KNAUF Gypsum Bukhara” in Kagan. The final stage of the project lasted 4 months and was supervised by Germany specialists, who controlled the installation and start-up of the line. On May 16, 2018, the opening ceremony of the line was held. The launch took place with the participation of the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov, the co-owner of the international group KNAUF Wilhelm Nikolaus Knauf, the managing partner of the international group KNAUF Manfred Grundke and German Ambassador to Uzbekistan Gunter Overfeld.
The large-scale reconstruction allowed to increase the capacity of the line for production of KNAUF-sheets by 30%, resulting in the potential increase of the production volume up to 32 million sq. m. of sheets per year. The volume of investments in the project amounted to 22 million USD.
You can read the full text of the article in the print version of the magazine.


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