JV LLC “BINOKOR TEMIR BETON SERVIS”: New Projects, Technologies, Materials


     The plant JV LLC “BINOKOR TEMIR BETON SERVIS” is one of the modern and leading enterprises of Uzbekistan in the field of production of reinforced concrete products and ready-mix concrete. Today the plant’s production capacities allow to produce more than 2000 m3/day of commodity concrete and more than 500 m3/day of technical concrete. At the same time, due to the development over the past 2-3 years and the launch of the production line for production of more than 50 types of new concrete products and structures of various modifications, the range of products has expanded.
     One of the last implemented projects of our enterprise is the plant DSK BINOKOR, which is a part of the plant JV LLC “BINOKOR TEMIR BETON SERVIS” where production of two-and three-layer reinforced concrete panels used for the construction of large facilities is started, and also two lines of pallets circulation are installed and put into operation. As a result, the plant’s capacity today allows to produce reinforced concrete panels for the construction of large-panel residential buildings with an area of 180000 m2/year. Our primary task is not only to provide the country’s construction market with reinforced concrete products, but also to achieve high quality products, one of the main parameters of which is a seismic resistance. And we succeed. So, in October of this year, tests were conducted for vibro-dynamic vibrations of the first experimental 9-storey 3-entrance large-panel apartment building. The event was attended by leading specialists of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of civil engineering and seismology, together with specialists of Kazakh Research Institute of Seismology. Full-scale tests of the panel house for seismic stability were carried out in 5 stages, and the magnitude of vibro-dynamic oscillations reached 9 and 9+ points. According to reports, and the protocol, the house successfully passed the tests and no destructions in the construction have been identified. This experimental 9-storey panel house was the initial stage of the planned program for construction of earthquake-resistant social and commercial facilities. To date, 12 and 16-storey large-panel apartment houses and 5-storey and 9-storey commercial 5 buildings are being designed. In the coming 2019, it is planned to launch a new construction plant and production workshops which will increase the productivity to 500,000 m2 of housing per year.
     The new construction plant will produce three-layer exterior panels with ceramic tiles, also all electrical and communications wiring will be laid on reinforced concrete panels, which is an innovative solution and will significantly reduce labor costs and construction time. Also, one of the new types of reinforced concrete products will be large hollow slabs with a width of more than 3 meters.
     The JV “BINOKOR TEMIR BETON SERVIS” one of the first plans to launch precast solid construction. Currently, we are actively cooperating with the leading design organizations of the country and jointly developing blue-prints of the first in Uzbekistan 9-storey one-entrance 54-apartment large residential building in prefabricated frame design. The start of construction of the house is scheduled for the first quarter of next year.
     A prefabricated-frame solid house will be built of factory-made columns and crossbars. A new modification of concrete hollow slabs with expanded bottom shelf will be used as floor slabs, which allows to lay reinforced monolithic concrete inserts between the slabs in the longitudinal and transverse direction. Frames of monolithic inserts will be linked to the frame of crossbars and columns, which will significantly increase the seismic resistance of the entire structure of the building. The design of the new version of special concrete hollow slabs with extended shelf is developed by the design institute JSC “UZOGIRSANOATLOYIHA”. Applications for patents and copyrights in production have been submitted. A prestressed cross-section crossbar, which will serve as a permanent formwork and provides a plug connection to the column is an innovative solution in this project. Tray type prestressed crossbar is universal because it can be produced on the non-formwork molding stand. The design of a 9-storey one-entrance 54-apartment residential building in wide box-frame design, design of columns, connections, erection blocks, and architectural and planning solutions are being developed by leading experts of the design institute JSC “ToshUyJoy LITI”.
     Prefabricated frame system is a promising direction in construction, which allows not only speed up the construction process by using factory-made structures, but also improve the quality of construction works, as well as to design buildings and structures for various purposes. Currently, the option of using the frame system for construction of schools, clinics, kindergartens, shopping centers, hotels, offices and other facilities is being considered.
     The range of products manufactured by the plant covers almost all areas of construction and, we can say, it is quite extensive. The plant mostly produces and supplies reinforced concrete products and structures for industrial and civil construction. In recent years with the beginning of the so-called “construction boom” in the country and the completion of the development of many residential neighborhoods in Tashkent and Tashkent region, the need for concrete products designed for landscaping — fence panels, road slabs, curbs, irrigation trays, paving stones and others has increased. In addition, our plant is a leader in the production of such strategic products as reinforced concrete base for power lines and three-beam anchor foundations for power transmission lines, which are widely used in the electrification of railway lines, stations and sections.
     The range of produced reinforced concrete columns has significantly expanded due to the commissioning of universal forming equipment for production of reinforced concrete columns of various configurations for industrial construction – straight and half-timbered columns of rectangular and square cross-sections of different lengths, single and double-cantilever columns for industrial facilities, equipped with bridge cranes, double-beam and two-branch columns, designed mainly for warehouses and hangars. It is also possible to produce columns of complex cross-section and configuration – hammer, brand, and other type.
     The plant has a universal line of bench formwork molding, equipped with a modern forming machine – “Tecnospan” made in Spain, which allows to produce prestressed concrete products for various purposes – it is mainly hollow concrete slab, widely used in the construction of residential and public buildings. The line of non-formwork forming is universal because this line also can be used for production of such items as curbs, marginal trays, racks enclosures, jumpers and other articles of constant cross-section.
     The plant actively cooperates with local and foreign research and production centers, academic and research institutions. We are constantly working on improving production lines, improving technological processes and introduction of new advanced and innovative technologies in the production of concrete products. The example can be a universal modular stand, developed by the research and production center of “STROYTECH”, installed and used in our company. On the universal modular stand such reinforced concrete products as, reinforced concrete prestressed crane beams with a length of 6 meters for bridge cranes with a capacity of up to 20 tons; prestressed concrete single-pitch truss beams for spans of 9 and 12 meters; prestressed double-pitched lattice beams with a span of 18 meters; tensile columns used for prefabricated construction can be produced.
     There is an accredited testing laboratory on the territory of our enterprise, equipped with modern equipment, installations and devices allowing to carry out laboratory tests of concrete mixes and reinforced concrete products of various complexity for compliance to normative and technical indicators, requirements of standards and design documents.
     The laboratory carries out mandatory incoming quality control of raw materials supplied to the production – cement, sand, crushed stone, reinforcing steel, etc., samples of raw materials are tested, and the necessary physical and mechanical tests are carried out to determine the suitability of a component.
Control over observance of technological processes and acceptance control is exercised by the Department of Technical Control (DTC) — a necessary condition for decreasing the defect percentage and improvement of product quality.
     One of the advantages of the plant is the use of modern equipment. The plant has done a lot of work for renovation, reconstruction and modernization of the existing equipment. To date, the plant uses equipment, machinery and installation of well-known foreign manufacturers, such as – “Betal-Comcon”, “Stroytech” (Russia), “Simem” (Italy), “ELKON” (Turkey), “WMW”, “Vollert” (Germany), “Tecnospan” (Spain), “Hawkeye Pedershaab” (Denmark), etc.
It should be noted that all products are certified and have a certificate of conformity, and services are licensed. The company complies with the requirements of the international quality management system ISO 9001:2015 and the international occupational health and safety management system OHSAS 180001: 2007.


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