Insurance Services Market

The Basic Directions of Strengthening the Interaction of Insurance Companies of the Cis Countries


     During the years of independence, dramatic changes in all spheres of life have taken place in Uzbekistan, including in the insurance market. Today, insurance in the country is a comprehensive infrastructure that provides improved efficiency of all types of business activities, protection of property interests of members of society. It is also one of the reliable sources of investment.
     Despite the achievements, the insurance market of Uzbekistan can still be called young, with all the shortcomings and problems inherent in the growing market. To make it meet international standards, it is necessary to establish the active cooperation with the world insurance community. This will certainly serve to develop and improve national insurance markets. And in this regard, integration with the markets of the CIS countries can be singled out as a priority direction.
     Nevertheless, we should note that the relations between the insurers of the CIS countries are still not at the proper level. They are likely to be superficial and have little impact on the development of the economies of these countries.
Not so long ago, a very significant event took place in our Republic: the free conversion of foreign currency was opened. This led to the fact that the capabilities of insurance companies in foreign economic relations have increased significantly. And now we are witnessing an influx of foreign investment into the country and an increase in trade with foreign countries. Especially the reinsurers from Europe, the USA and South Korea became “frequent visitors” to our country. But the CIS countries are not yet very active. Here is an example: only 10-12 % of outgoing reinsurance from Uzbekistan is directed to the CIS countries, and the remaining 90 % — to other countries.


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