(English) New Projects – Guarantee of Sustainability


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     Zafarabad Ore Department is the largest subdivision of Navoiuran State Enterprise. The history of its creation is connected with the beginning of works on the development of “North Bukinai” deposit in 1968. The next stage of development was participation in the development of South Bukinai and Beshkak fields. Currently, 17 uranium deposits have been put into operation. In accordance with the prospective plans of mining operations until 2030, four more deposits – Central Kukhnur, Malikrabot, Baimin and Mullali – are planned to be involved in development. For some of them, pilot works have been started to select the mining technology.
     The production and social activity of the ore mining department is characterized by dynamic growth of the main indicators. Significant successes of the enterprise have been achieved since the independence of our state.
     The labor collective of Zafarabad Mine, having rich experience and achievements, makes a significant contribution to the development of the mining industry. At present, the team, which includes more than 4.6 thousand people of different nationalities, selflessly works for the benefit of a common goal.
     Currently, the ore mining department includes four geotechnological mines (GTR). Each mine provides a full cycle of uranium concentrate production – from mining and preparation works to the shipment of concentrate to the uranium production plant. Moreover, to the production of the main product, geotechnological mines No. 1, 2, 4 carry out associated extraction of rhenium from productive solutions with the release of finished products in the form of ammonium perrenate of AR-0 grade.
     Today, according to the Decree of the Head of State “On measures to increase the volume of uranium mining, processing and transformation of the State Enterprise ‘Navoiuran’ in 2022-2030”, the ore mining department works in many directions, each of which lays the foundation for the enterprise’s activity both in the present time and in the long term. We are talking about increasing production volumes, improving quality and reducing production costs, as well as radically improving industrial safety and ensuring safe working conditions at the expanding production facilities.
     In short, significant efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of production cycles, as well as to ensure environmental and industrial safety of the enterprises. This makes it possible to produce competitive products.
     In particular, 8 units of local sorption units and 35 units of sorption-pressure column (SPC) were commissioned at the processing complexes of geotechnological mines of the ore management department for the period from 2022 to 2024. In solution processing areas, in accordance with the program for expansion of processing capacities, a second regeneration chain was built at the solution processing area of geotechnological mine No. 1, consisting of five desorption columns (DCS), and a third chain with six DCSs was installed at the solution processing area of geotechnological mine No. 4.
     24 units of extraction columns developed by our specialists were installed at the ammonia rhenium-containing re-extract unit of the solution processing section of geotechnological mine No. 2. As a result, we managed to reduce electricity consumption by 100 thousand kWh/year and increase the production of ammonium perrenate at the mine by 5 percent.
     Analyzing the production activities of the mine since the beginning of 2022, the following results can be noted: actual drilling volumes increased by 158.1%, with drilling productivity growth of 105.3%. The number of produced productive solutions increased by 1.3 times, which, in turn, led to a 1.4-fold increase in uranium production.
     The Investment Program occupies a special place in the enterprise’s activities, thanks to which new facilities and capacities are launched and jobs are created. In particular, as part of the company’s Investment Program aimed at increasing uranium production and processing, the project “Construction of a mining site at the Aktau deposit” is being implemented, the launch of which with a total cost of USD 5 million is being carried out in three stages. The project is being launched at a total cost of USD 5 million in three stages. After commissioning of the facility, it is envisaged to create about 100 new jobs. The project “Reconstruction of the existing building of geotechnological mine No. 2 “South Bukinai” for the production of 200-liter metal barrels” was also implemented for the export of finished products. With the commissioning of this facility, which has a design capacity of 1,200 containers per month, 21 jobs were created.
     The localization program is also important at the new stage of development. Implementation of localization programs, modernization, technical and technological upgrading of production contributes to our continuous development – development of new types of products, as well as increasing the rate of extraction, processing and production of finished products.
     Particularly in 2024, within the framework of the localization program, the enterprise produced products worth 58.7 billion UZS or 102.9% of the forecast period for 19 projects, while the growth rate compared to the corresponding period last year amounted to 132.1%, and compared to the same period in 2022 – 348.3 percent.
Otabek RUZIEV, Director of Zafarabad Ore Department of the “Navoiyuran” SE
You can read the whole article in the printed version of the magazine.


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