Glass Production

“QUARTZ” is Entering the World Market with Modern Traditions


     Today, the innovative and modern traditions are coming into every sphere of our life. With the introduction of innovations and development, the scientific, trade and economic, banking and financial and other spheres are increasingly coming into play. The Joint-stock Company “Quartz” is also one of the enterprises entering the domestic and international market with its production and modern traditions.
     The Joint Stock Company “Quartz”, operating in the town of Kuvasai, Fergana region, is considered as one of the largest industrial enterprises contributing to the development of our country’s economy. The enterprise, established in 1975, has become one of the most reputable companies in the production of glass and glassware in our country.
     The company, which occupies an area of about 50 hectares, has five main production workshops. There are workshops for production of glassware, polished glass, tempered glass and products of special resistance, as well as nine auxiliary production facilities. The company employs more than 2200 people. The volume of production increases from year to year. In particular, if in 1991 5 types of glass jars and 9 types of glass bottles were produced, today 20 types of glass jars and 170 types of glass bottles are produced and supplied to consumers.
     From 2015 the company began a rapid development and modernization. As a result of light and heavy industry development in the country, the demand for glass and glassware has increased even more, so there came a problem of supply of raw materials. For this reason, the enterprise primarily developed a program for the development of raw materials supplied from China, Russia and Tajikistan, and began to implement it.
     First of all, the deposits of quartz sand, which is the main raw material in our Republic, were studied, and it was concluded that the raw materials from Jeroy deposit in Navoi region, are of high quality. In 2016, as a result of laboratory findings and research, it became known that the raw materials from Jeroy sand deposits are suitable for glass production. From September 2016 in the glass and glassware manufacturing the domestic raw materials – Jeroy quartz sand from of Navoi region was used. To date, the raw materials for glass products are fully mastered and consequently the enterprise saves 2.5-3 million USD annually.
The opening of the Angren-Pap railway in 2016 created an opportunity for fast and convenient delivery of the supplied raw materials. In particular, the problem of delivery of quartz sand from Navoi region was solved.
     Pursuant to the Program of Strategic Development of the Enterprise for 2017-2021, the production technologies are gradually changing to modern energy-efficient equipment. In 2017, the glassware production workshop was completely modernized through the commissioning of energy-efficient lines from the Italian companies “Bottero” and “BDF INDUSTRIES”. In order to further improve the quality of quartz sand, magnetic separators were installed in the raw materials preparation workshop.
You can read the full text of the article in the print version of the magazine.


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