Chemical Industry

The Present Shapes the Future


     The Kungrad Sodium Plant built in Ustyurt steppe is a unique enterprise, which is not only a source of profit, but also a symbol of prosperity and pride of our state.
     The LLC “Kungrad Sodium Plant” is the only enterprise in Central Asia for production of sodium ash.
Sodium ash or sodium carbonate is the sodium salt of carbonic acid. Once it was obtained from the ash of seaweed and coastal plants, now the method of obtaining soda is mainly industrial. Soda is used in the production of glass, detergents, used in the process of obtaining aluminum from bauxite and for oil purification. That is why sodium carbonate is a product that is in constant demand in the domestic market and abroad, and the demand for it increases every year.
     The history of the company dates back to 2006, when a production complex was built and put into operation with participation of Chinese company Citic Pacific Ltd. Under the contract the company Citic Pacific Ltd carried out the “turnkey” design and construction of technological part of the plant at a cost of 32.3 million USD. The purpose of construction of sodium plant became: first, involvement in complex processing of local raw materials, second, setting up production of import-substituting chemical products and satisfaction of needs of branches of economy in sodium ash. The basis for the start and completion of construction were government decisions: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 79 dated March 2, 1995 “On construction of Kungrad Sodium Plant” and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 158 dated May 14, 2002 “On completion of construction of the Kungrad Sodium Plant”.
     In 2016, construction works were fully completed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-1853 dated November 16, 2012 “On measures to implement the investment project” ‘Expansion of sodium ash production at Kungrad Sodium Plant with an increase in limestone production at the Jamansay quarry and technical salt at the Barsakelmes field’”. The design capacity after the development of production amounted to 200 thousand tons of sodium ash per year.
     By decision of the JSC “Uzkimyosanoat” dated July 18, 2018, the UE “Kungrad Sodium Plant” was transformed into a limited liability company with the same name, and since the state registration it is the successor of the rights and obligations of the unitary enterprise.
You can read the whole article in the printed version of the magazine.


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