Sector Reforms

Tourism – a Strategic Sector of the Uzbek Economy


     The demand for travel is gaining momentum day by day. According to the 2017 data of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), tourism is one of the most profitable and dynamic sectors of the world economy. In terms of profitability, it is second only to oil production and processing. The global number of tourist arrivals increased from 25 million in 1950 to 1.32 billion in 2017. Tourism accounts for about 10% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product, 7% of world trade, every 10th workplace, 11% of global consumer spending and 5% of all tax revenues.
     The development of modern technologies and the decrease of transportation costs have led to the growth of interest in tourism among the general public. In addition, tourism has demonstrated its economic sustainability during the financial crisis. UNWTO forecasts an average annual growth of 3.3% in international tourist arrivals by 2030.
     Our country today occupies a strong position in the market of international tourism. Uzbekistan does not lag behind the world trends, being aware of the importance of the tourism industry for the economy as a whole and the regions of the country.
     The turning point in the state policy in the field of tourism can be considered the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 2, 2016 №UP–4861 «On Measures to Ensure the Accelerated Development of the Tourism Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan». Since then, an integrated approach to the development of the tourism industry of the country is being implemented. In this regard, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 3, 2018 № UP-5326 «On Additional Organizational Measures to Create Favorable Conditions for the Development of Tourism Potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is aimed at improving the institutional framework, the development of infrastructure in the field of tourism, creating a favorable environment for travel.
     A number of decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the programs and plans of practical measures: of August 16, 2017 № PP-3217 «On Priority Measures for Tourism Development for 2018-2019» — the relevant action plan; of February 6, 2018 № PP-3509 «On Measures for the Development of Inbound Tourism» – the Action Plan for further simplification of the visa regime and the Action Plan for further development of inbound tourism; of February 7, 2018 # PP-3514 «On Measures for Accelerated Development of Domestic Tourism» — the Action Plan for implementation of the Program of Development of Domestic Tourism «Travel Across Uzbekistan!».
     The adoption by the President in February of this year of four important documents is the embodiment of the government’s great attention to this sector. These documents define the priorities for the development of the industry, increasing the tourism potential, and provide many benefits and preferences for further expansion of domestic tourism.
Lately, about 30 regulations aimed at the development of the tourism sector have been adopted. According to these documents, the most important tasks have been implemented.
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