Effective Reforming

“Uzbekenergo” Joint-Stock Company: Investment Potential Increase


     Electric power industry is rightly rated as backbone infrastructural sector which supplies electric power and heat to all other sectors of economy. Energy consumption is directly connected with both social and economic development level and overall business activities and life of every person as well. Stable growth of all branches of the national economy results in corresponding increase in energy consumption.
“Uzbekenergo” JSC, being a special designated body in the field of electric power industry, centrally provides other economic branches and population with electric power and also supplies thermal energy to industrial and public utility consumers in cities of the republic.
The top priority of social and economic policy of the company is to continue work on reforming of electric power industry, build new and upgrade existing generating capacities by introducing advanced foreign practices and installing hi-tech equipment; this will significantly improve efficiencies in energy production.
For the purpose of providing for dynamical growth of power industry, fruitful cooperation with international financial institutions and foreign partners is being developed; that allows involving more foreign investments.
In order to ensure sustainable energy supply to consumers of the republic and decrease specific energy consumption to production of goods, in 2016 two blocks of combined cycle power plant (CCPP) with capacity of 450 MWt and annual energy output of over 7 billion kWh were commissioned in Talimardjan TPS by “Uzbekenergo” JSC. A power unit with capacity of 150 MWt and energy output of over 900 million kWh per year and with use of high-ash coal of approximately 910 thousand tons was entered in Angren TPS.
Works are being carried out at accelerated pace on the following directions: expansion of Navoiy TPS by constructing the second CCPP with capacity of 450 MWt, construction of two CCPPs with capacity of 230-280 MWt in Takhiatash TPS, project on construction of new Turakurgan TPS with capacity of 900 MWt in the Namangan province.
Under Uzbek — Japanese partnership and with support of funds of the Japanese government there is a number of projects planned to upgrade generating capacities: construction of four gas turbine units with capacity of 27 MWt in Yunusabad district of Tashkent and introduction of modern technologies in Fergana CHP plant.
As part of measures on further development of single railway network of the republic, “Uzbekenergo” JSC constructs external power supply facilities of railroad lines of Pap-Kokand-Andijan and Navoiy-Kanimekh-Misken directions at its own expenses.
Today economic interests and also the need to ensure energy independence of the country require solution for diversification of fuel by means of increase in a share of other energy carriers.
The Republic of Uzbekistan has considerable reserves of renewable energy sources – wind, sun, hydraulic energy and this determines feasibility of their involving in fuel and energy process. In different regions of the republic duration of sunny days changes within the range from 2 650 to 3 050 hours per year. Gross potential of solar radiation is from 525 billion kWh to 760 billion kWh per year. Estimated potential of wind power industry of Uzbekistan, defined by European experts, is equal to over 520 thousand MWt of installed capacity and with power generation of over 1 trillion kWh per year. With a perspective up to 2021 it is planned to enter three solar photoelectric mountings in the Samarkand, Navoiy and Surkhan-Darya provinces and one wind power plant in the Navoiy province with gross capacity of 402 MWt and electric power generation to 830 million kWh per year.
In future use of renewable energy sources in industrial scale will allow providing and increasing electric and thermal energy production, and also considerable lowering natural gas consumption and reducing hazardous substances emissions into the environment and thus of importance for ensuring normal ecological situation. A priority task in the immediate term is to reduce energy and resources consumption, mainstream energy saving technologies into production process, promote using renewable energy sources and enhance productivity.
Press service


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