(Русский) Development of information technologies is call of the times


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     Information accuracy and timeliness play a major role in development of social society and activation of globalization processes. Importance of the information and its ability to meet the needs cause a particular attitude to it. The information has tremendous implications in the promotion of spiritual-educational and cultural activities. It is impossible to imagine a developed society without use of telecommunication service and information. System development of this sphere provides social and economic development of the country. Therefore, in our republic the priority is given to subsequent improvement of its organizational and legal framework, material and technical resources.
     The Internet is essential factor in converting the information to valuable product in the world market. Transition of the state services rendered to citizens and business entities in the electronic form, online payments, increasing volume of financial transactions implemented via mobile devices require further improvement of Internet services.
     Active introduction of special program complexes and interactive services in activities of governmental authorities is being carried out. Presently Uzbekistan is one of the top-ten countries of the world which have dynamically improved the “Electronic Government” system. The significant place in its further streamlining is given to development of effective ICT infrastructure, particularly, of complexes of information systems and databases. Several such complexes have been currently put into operation. Backbone, wide-area, zonal and interexchange types of communication are provided by using fibre-optic lines.
     In 2013 the Single portal of interactive state services has been launched. Today there are more than three hundred electronic services classified as informative (offline), semi-automatic, automatic and interactive. The portal is integrated with information systems and resources of the State Tax Committee, State Customs Committee, ID.UZ system of identification, National Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a portal of impact assessment system of legislation (regulation.gov.uz), “Tadbirkorlik” system and others.
     In Uzbekistan all tax and statistical reporting of economic entities is submitted in electronic form via the Internet. The transition to electronic declarations of goods and export-import contracts registration has been completed. The Open Data Portal has been launched; it provides more than 2 thousand open data of 120 institutions related to such spheres as economy, public health service, education, transportation, etc.
     The Action Strategy on five priority directions of development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 centres on the creation of conditions for the further effective development of the electronic government. This year a number of interactive state services are to be introduced. It is also scheduled to launch the “Licensing” Portal and to simplify and automate notarial services. Work on improving unification of export-import approval documents will be continued. Measures on wider Internet access and improving computer literacy of state officials and the population will be taken.
     Information and communication technologies are extensively used in the field of electronic payments development. The clearing settlements system of real-time retail payments, launched in our country, has extended possibilities of online payments of taxes, mandatory and utility payments.
     Introduction of modern information systems, software solutions and technologies in the real sector of the economy is one of the priorities of the state policy in the ICT sphere. Implementation of such projects has provided substantial economic effect caused by automation of management and production processes, reduction of paperwork. In that regard the role of modern cloud technologies introduction bears critical importance. Cloud technologies stimulate the efficiency and generate new opportunities by using different devices or software solutions.
     Comprehensive development program of National information and communication system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2013-2020 provides consistent development of a high-speed telecommunication infrastructure. For example, by 2020 it is planned to implement 17 large-scale projects on the increasing carrying capacity of access channels from Uzbekistan to Internet outside backbones, development of broadband access, including in remote regions of the country. Furthermore, 22 projects directed to ensure and improve electronic interaction of citizens and governmental authorities will be completed until 2020.
Nowadays mobile communication becomes a dominant tool in global digital transformation. The use of such technologies as 4G and Wi-Fi can solve issues of information security and meet the future needs of users. Progress of “the Internet of Things” sphere will continue providing advantages to people, business and society.
     In the republic mobile communication service, as well as all ICT branches, is being qualitatively improved and their new types are also being created. Today everyone can easily contact almost any place in the world just using cellular phone. Mobile communication is of critical importance to producers exporting their goods in the world market. As a result of innovative solutions directed on improving means of communication, the number of their listed types is enlarging, their sales territory is expanding and service quality is improving.
     At the Mobile World Congress held in 2016 it was reportedly highlighted that the number of the mobile devices connected to the Internet will reach 100 billion by 2025. Since that moment when in 2000 there has been the first mobile phone with the camera, the number of mobile subscribers has increased five times on our planet. The exponential growth of mobile subscribers, smart devices, mobile video and 4G networks will lead to eight-fold growth of mobile traffic during next five years. This, in turn, promotes building relationships and contributes to education and sharing of information. In particular, residents of remote areas of the country are provided with more opportunities to use information and communication technologies, and this has an effect on improving the quality of life and development of the country in general. Large-scale reforms gradually carried out in our country, are aimed at achievement of this goal.
     Today there are five mobile operators in the republic. The quality of mobile service rendered in cities and rural settlements improves through the increasing number of mobile base stations. In 2016 mobile operators installed 1 456 base stations in the territory of Uzbekistan and their total number reached 17 721. The number of mobile subscribers makes over 21 million, volume of services in this sphere has increased by 26 percent.
     Mobile operators introduce the fourth generation of mobile network– 4G (LTE). The “Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interests” State Program provides for installation of 1 843 mobile base stations in the country in 2017. This contributes to further quality improvement of mobile services rendered to the population and to covering territory expansion.
     Sometimes mobile operators face the cases when the population confronts the installation of mobile phone base stations in the certain territory. People adduce arguments that mobile communication antenna, installed on the roof of a residential building, has a negative influence on their health. According to the statement of the World Health Organization issued in 2011, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phone base stations and mobile phones.
     In spite of the fact that harmful effects of electromagnetic waves of mobile stations on human health is not scientifically proved, the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan sets performance standards for mobile phone base stations. In our country working capacity of mobile phone base stations should not exceed 2,5 mW (microwatt) per square centimeter. It is the lowest index in the world. For example, in Israel this index makes 400 mW/sq.sm; in the USA and some Scandinavian countries – 100 mW/sq.sm; in Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Kirghizia – 10 mW/sq.sm.
     Today each resident of Uzbekistan is able to use mobile service, digital television and the Internet. The rapid development of the national ICT sector is the most important factor in integration of our country into the world information society.
Information service,
Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications


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