An international conference on the topic “Implementation of the Strategy for Gender Equality in the Forestry System of Uzbekistan” was organized in Tashkent by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with the State Forestry Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Center for Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture (AKIS). The event was attended by national and international experts.
In close cooperation with FAO, Uzbekistan has introduced the principles of gender equality in forest management policies and practices. One of the biggest achievements is the development of the first long-term, budgeted Corporate Gender Strategy of the State Forestry Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025. The implementation of this strategy contributes to the implementation of the Presidential Decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to improve the efficiency of forest management in the Republic” and “On approval of the Forestry system development concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030”.
The Strategy for gender equality was based on International best practices, taking into account the opinions of representatives of ministries and departments, public organizations and stakeholders. The legal basis for the development of the document was the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, “Оn protection of women from harassment and violence”, as well as on the National Sustainable Development Goals.
“During 2019 – 2021, we conducted a gender analysis in the forestry of Uzbekistan, studied the opinion of the local population living in forest areas and neighboring communities. Gaps and shortcomings of the legal framework were identified. Based on this information, the Gender strategy and the Action plan of the State Forestry Committee for 2021-2022 were developed, reflecting the main priorities and needs of communities highly dependent on forests”, – said Olimjon Kakhkharov, the technical coordinator of the FAO project “Sustainable management of forests in mountain and valley areas of Uzbekistan”.
The document was developed within the framework of the FAO project “Sustainable forest management in mountain and valley areas of Uzbekistan”. This project is implemented in 4 districts representing different types of forest ecosystems in Uzbekistan – Syrdarya, Dekhkanabad, Kitab and Pop forest organizations. In these regions, FAO is working on sustainable forest management, the creation of information systems and electronic maps of forest areas and the widespread involvement of the local population in the forest management process.
The Conference made it possible to prepare a platform for the activities of Gender Councils under the State Forestry Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Forestry Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and under the regional departments of forestry organizations.
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