Innovation is an important foundation for prosperity


     If we pay attention to the experience of powerful countries with leading positions in the world with their high economic potential, we can see that, first of all, the development of science and the orientation of its achievements to manufacturing, in other words, innovative development model and “smart” technologies are the important cornerstone of success and stability.
     Accordingly, in our country, the main short-term and long-term goals are to increase the contribution of innovations to production processes, enter the modern global market with a competitive industry, and create a favorable investment and business climate. Because, whether we like it or not, the global economy is strengthening its position in support of not traditionalism, but an innovative approach to production, the implementation of inventions which are the products of human mind.
     Among the largest industrial enterprises of our country, the Joint-stock company “Dehkanabad Potash Plant,” despite its relatively short period of operation, does not lag behind the old-timers of the industry due to actively taken measures meant to expand the range of export-oriented products, through the use of new technologies, innovative ideas and scientific research. In fact, this is a necessary requirement for the development of any modern enterprise, especially in conditions of severe internal and external competition.
     Over the past years, the plant has developed a favorable infrastructure for innovative development, creation of new products and services and their implementation in practice. Programs have been developed to involve science in solving existing technical and technological problems, increasing competitiveness, expanding export opportunities, and localizing and modernizing imported products. Consistent implementation of these programs contributes to the accelerated growth of indicators in the company’s activities.
     In particular, the reliance on science in solving technical and technological problems, and the use of research by specialists in this field gives a significant result today. An example of this is the improvement of the chemical reagent regime in the process of production of potassium chloride fertilizer in order to reduce the content of potassium chloride in the halite residue by 3 percent. Together with other companies that produce potassium, certain works are being carried out to reduce the amount of insoluble residue in water contained in the solution of the motherwort, and to increase the purity of the solution.
We also see the effect of such innovative approach in the direction of localization of imported products.
     One of the production needs is a starch-based depressor contained in rice, and its import caused some inconvenience in terms of payment and delivery time. Specialists of the plant began to localize the production of this raw material as the only way to solve this problem. In the сentral laboratory of the plant, the technology for preparing a depressor from starch contained in rice was tested in the reagent ыусешщт of KUICH-2 workshop. At the time when the ready-made depressor was fed into the technological process, the product quality did not decrease, the specified KC1 norm for tail waste content did not exceed 3.8 percent. Thus, the 72-hour trial work was successfully completed. Since then, the KUICH-2 workshop has been using rice as a depressant reagent in the technological process.
     Another one of the most popular imported products — the technology of production of liquid paraffin — was also fully mastered as a result of the efforts of plant specialists and scientific research. First, the technological sequence, process maps of modes and calculation of consumed raw materials and energy resources were carefully developed. Based on these calculations, the economic efficiency, technical parameters and technical documentation of the project have been prepared. Thus, the production of liquid paraffin was established on a pilot-industrial basis. It is worth noting that currently, together with the State Statistics Department of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the relevant work is being carried out to study the needs of the domestic market in this product. According to the development strategy of the plant, the export of liquid paraffin is also envisaged in the future.
     Of course, the scope of application in the production of new innovative ideas and initiatives in the JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant” includes not only experimental developments. Equally important are the systems of rational use of available capacities and resources to expand the types and improve the quality characteristics of potash fertilizers, which are prepared here solely by optimizing their own available capabilities. As a result, the plant has researched the technology of production of high-quality sulphate and potassium chloride fertilizers that are completely soluble in water. It is even more gratifying that the necessary material and technical base has been created according to the developed methodology and the delivery of this type of fertilizer with improved quality to agricultural enterprises of our country has begun.
     At the same time, the plant’s team is continuing its research on the production technology of another type of fertilizer – potassium nitrate. Based on the method of obtaining these samples of fertilizers in laboratory conditions, the supply of potassium nitrate to the domestic and foreign markets is considered another important step in the company’s innovative activities.
     It is clear that without innovations, there can be no rise in any aspect of our life, our economy. Without introduction of innovations in manufacturing, especially in the chemical industry, it is impossible to achieve any success and maintain competitive positions. With a deep understanding of this, the staff of Dehkanabad Potash Plant pays serious attention to the research of any scientific ideas and initiatives, supports and encourages the technical development of their talented specialists and their application in practice. The future of the enterprise is closely related to the scale and relative importance of today’s modern innovative approaches.
Chief of Manufacturing


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