Construction Materials

JSC “UZSTROYMATERIALI”: the Industry’s Dynamic Development is a Factor of Economic Growth across the Country


     On October 25, 2016, the construction industry of Uzbekistan steadily entered a radically new stage of its development, dictated by the requirements of the time. It was then that the Resolution of the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On Measures to Further Improve the Management of the Construction Materials Industry of the Republic” was adopted, aimed at further development of production of construction materials, attracting foreign investment for modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises of the industry, increasing their export potential and the introduction of international standards of corporate governance. The implementation of these goals is the objective of the Joint Stock Company “Uzstroymaterialy”.
     The key role of the construction materials industry is to create conditions for the dynamic economic development of the entire country. Over the past few years, large-scale construction of new and reconstruction of existing industrial facilities, residential buildings, educational institutions, medical institutions and other social and municipal facilities has been launched in Uzbekistan, where advanced architectural solutions and new high-tech building materials are used. The relevance and strategic importance of the expansion of construction materials production and establishment of stable prices at the present stage is triggered, among others, by construction of modern business centers of Tashkent City and Samarkand City, City of Nurafshon, Tashkent International Airport, Tashkent Ring Road, Yunusabad metro line, highways, service and standard housing, and housing for low-income families.
     Experts estimate that the share of the cost of construction materials in the total cost of all construction works reaches almost 60 percent. Intensive construction rates further stimulate the development of the building materials industry. At the same time, the materials should be both of high quality and affordable.
     Today practically all types of construction materials are manufactured in the Republic. A clear confirmation of the development of the domestic construction materials industry is that 95% of the materials used in construction are produced by local enterprises. Their main products: cement, slate, asbestos-cement pipes, gypsum, lime, soft roofing, dry mixes, bitumen mastic, glassware, ceramic tiles, chipboards, waterproofing, non-metallic materials, marble, granite, other types of natural stones, wall materials, electrodes and others.
     Positive changes in the industry contribute to ensuring the strength of the constructed buildings, affordability of the housing under construction for the population. However, the reforms in all spheres dictate the need to update and modernize the industry, pose new challenges. The current trends in the development of the industry include the production and use in the construction of energy-efficient and earthquake-resistant innovative materials. The industry has huge reserves and the professional, reasonable and effective use of which determines the prospects of the industry development.
You can read the full text of the article in the print version of the magazine.


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