(English) Closer to the Customer


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     At the current levels of maturity of the banking market, domestic banks have struggled fairly hard for customers. This is due to the realization that the future and long-term results of any bank depend on customer loyalty and the stability of relations with them. Therefore, a modern bank can no longer build an effective business strategy, relying only on the classical model of customer service. Experience forces credit institutions to modernize the mechanisms and technologies for providing services to customers, to look for innovative approaches. In an interview with our magazine, the Chairman of the Board of JSCIB «Ipoteka-Bank» INOMJONOV Elyor spoke about the development of a system of high-quality customer service.
     — Elyor Isroilovich, competitive environment in the domestic market of banking services is intensifying every day, new banking products are appearing, and service is improving. What is your bank’s transformation strategy?
     — One of the largest banks in Uzbekistan AKIB «Ipoteka-Bank» has been offering financial services for private and corporate clients for a quarter of a century, a system of quality customer service is being gradually created and developed on the basis of close interaction and support by the bank’s managers. Over the past three years, Ipoteka-Bank has been actively working with the International Finance Corporation on institutional transformation. Based on needs analysis of customer, the bank, with the assistance of IFC experts, began the transition to a new format of customer service. This allowed us to radically revise the development strategy, rethink the role of the client.
     — What constitutes of reexamination in working with customers?
     — The bank is committed to work transparently, honestly and aboveboard with customers, developing trustworthy business relationships and demonstrating focus on results and mutually beneficial cooperation. This means that the bank tries to anticipate and qualitatively satisfy customer requests, continuously improving the quality of services.
     If there is a demand for the service, the bank will make every effort and professionalism to provide it. At the same time, a quick response to changes in market conditions and the concentration of resources in promising areas are important.
     The implemented principle of customer focus involves the bank’s orientation not to its product as it is, but to the real needs of customers, consequently, requires a clear statement of the bank’s goals, the formation of ways and means to achieve them, as well as the development of specific measures for the implementation of plans within the gradation of existing and potential client groups. In addition, the bank’s customer focus determines its ability to extract additional profit through a deep understanding and effective satisfaction of customer needs.
     — Business struggle is the most important factor in the development of a financial institution. Tell us about the advantages of your bank, that allow you to successfully compete in the financial services market.
     — Customer focus is our main competitive advantage, which allows the bank to achieve effective results in its activities, the pacing factors of them are: firstly, the presence of a client policy; secondly, active work on the constant attraction of new customers; thirdly, the availability of competitive business technologies for working with clients in the workplace; Fourth, conducting continuous customer service assessments through surveys and monitoring; fifth, customer base segmentation; and, finally, the development of mutually beneficial relationships with customers by assisting customers in their commercial and other activities. The presence of the above factors is a necessary and quite sufficient condition for the successful work of the bank with its customers at all stages of the development of relations.
     — As is commonly known, Ipoteka-Bank is implementing an innovative project with the provision of services in a new format. Could you please tell us more about this project?
     — The project of new offices of Ipoteka-Bank is aimed at changing the format of customer service through the «one-stop-shop service» system in such areas as: consulting on banking products; customer satisfaction; self-service through ATMs and other terminals.
     Making allowance the explosive development of new technologies, our bank continues to focus on the development of a self-service network and a universal virtual space. Therefore, the work of the bank’s employees is also aimed at improving financial literacy and the level of digitalization of customers.
     — How much has the customer financing system changed?
You can read the whole interview in the printed version of the magazine.


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