
French Fashion Academy in Uzbekistan: Cooperation in Fashion Industry


     Since the time of King Louis XIV France was considered a trendsetter. And nowadays it continues to hold the palm, striking the world with its unique collections, attracting design creativity and, of course, a unique French charm. For this reason, our country has set for itself the priority of cooperation with the “Haute couture” in the field of education of art design, as the phenomenal achievements of France in the field of fashion was preceded by centuries-old experience of development of style and taste, have become a determining factor not only its image, but also the successful development of the economy.
     During the visit to France, the delegation of the magazine attended the presentation organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in France, Namangan textile workers, who presented the investment and export opportunities of the textile industry of Uzbekistan to the leadership of the French companies “Groupe Marck”, “Lener Cordier”, “Chargeurs”, “Cano S.A.S.”, the American company “The World Trade Corporation”, which show a high interest in the textile products of our country. The event was also attended by the President of the Paris Academy of Fashion, Mr. Vauclair, from whom we interviewed.
     – Mr. Vauclair, our first question will be about the establishment and activities of Your Academy of Fashion, the President of which You have been for many years.
     – The French Academy of Fashion was founded in 1830 by my great-great-grandfather. Therefore, having inherited the family business, I carefully preserve and develop traditions. For example, we have our unique embroidery technique, as well as a specific technique for modeling both women’s and men’s suits. Our main activity is a training and retraining of representatives of the textile industry, beginning with the fashion designer and finishing with managers. In addition to administrative and technical disciplines, we train creative specialists — stylists, sewing technologists, designers. Given the location of our office in the capital of France, we cooperate with representatives of high fashion and all companies and fashion houses that are in Paris. With the growing demand for the services of our institution, we are working abroad, actively cooperating with both European (Germany, Italy, etc.) and Asian countries (Japan, China, Korea). Uzbekistan has recently joined the base of our partners, in which we will begin our work in September this year — and this is good news for us because in our practice we will cooperate with such a distinctive country for the first time in terms of its ancient traditions and unique experience.
     – In what format will cooperation in the field of fashion be carried out? What does Your Academy offer our students to achieve a high French level in the fashion industry of their country?
     – For the first time abroad (and this honor fell to Uzbekistan) we have created such a serious educational structure in the format of a branch of the French Academy of Fashion together with the Institute of Textile and Light Indistry of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. We have already accepted the first students who will be taught by our specialists in the main areas and disciplines taught at our Fashion Academy. As I said, the training program includes the study of our special techniques – modeling, design, embroidery, and others.
     – Who was lucky enough to become the first students of the branch, where and how will they apply the knowledge and skills gained?
     – The first students were primarily workers and students of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry of Uzbekistan. Having learned our techniques of embroidery and tailoring, modeling and design of clothing, they will continue their teaching activities, but with new knowledge and skills in accordance with the global fashion trends, as the successors of our specific technologies and techniques that they will apply in practice in the relevant garment industries and textile enterprises of the Association “Uztextileprom”. The main directions of their further work will be the use of knowledge and skills mastered in the walls of the Tashkent branch of the French Academy of Fashion. We have a partnership agreement with the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry of Uzbekistan on the transfer of our exclusive techniques, as well as methods of training engineers for teaching future students of our institution.
     – What document will confirm the Uzbek-French education received by our youth and what will be the level of its recognition?
     – Diplomas that will be issued to graduates of the branch, besides Uzbekistan, will be equally in demand in France. With such a document, they can fully realize their abilities and talents in our country, along with French specialists, while not excluding career prospects.
     – Mr. Vauclair, why did you start the cooperation? As part of the development of the agreement, you had to visit Uzbekistan more than once to study and agree with our side all the possibilities and details of a unique joint project. What are Your impressions of our country and its opportunities for further development of partnerships with Your country in the field of the fashion industry?
     – In general, it should be noted that we have never worked in Central Asia in the areas indicated by our joint agreement in the field of training qualified personnel for the fashion industry. Uzbekistan is the first and, I believe, a very successful example of such cooperation. It all began a year and a half ago, when a delegation of the textile industry of Uzbekistan arrived in France, and a meeting of its representatives with representatives of the French Textile Federation was held, at which the Uzbek side put forward a specific request for the possibility of cooperation in the field of training by French specialists of domestic professional personnel both for the textile industry and for the sphere of high fashion of Uzbekistan.  This proposal, having interested us, marked the beginning of our cooperation. As for the development of this educational project, I, of course, have repeatedly come to Uzbekistan and, I should note, I always look forward to every new meeting with Your country, because it has sincerely conquered me with the uniqueness of its culture, hospitality and, of course, unique monuments of ancient civilization. The next trip will take place in September to participate in the opening ceremony of the branch of our Academy of Fashion. By the way, not only me but also all my employees and colleagues without exception, who have also visited Uzbekistan many times in the format of business trips, have very good impressions about Uzbekistan.”.


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