Congratulation «Dehkanabad Potash Plant» Joint-Stock Company


     On behalf of the employees working in the system of the joint-stock company “Uzbekimyosanoat” and on my own behalf, I congratulate you with the 10th anniversary of the first production by one of the leading enterprises in the chemical industry of our country – the JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant”.
     Over the past short period of time, thanks to the selfless efforts of workers and specialists, a modern production complex was built in the Dehkanabad district of Kashkadarya region, which has a developed social infrastructure that has won its place not only in our country, but also abroad. The launch of the JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant” on the basis of the “Tepakuton” potash salt deposit has become a reality not only in this area, but also in the industry of our country.
     The construction of the mining complex of JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant” began in 2008 with the discovery and preparation of the deposit of potash salts “Tepakuton”. First for the purpose of mining operations the inclined shafts # 1 and # 2 were opened. Then the panels were prepared for ore mining and the system of panel mining was established.
     Since April — May 2010 the extraction of sylvinite ore at the deposit of potassium salts in “Tepakuton” is being conducted. It should be noted that this mining complex is the fastest commissioned mine in Central Asia for extraction of silvinite ore. Currently, the extraction of silvinite ore at the mining complex has been established with the help of only local specialists.
     The enterprise consists of mining and processing complexes, has a design capacity for extraction of 2.1 million tons of ore from the mining complex and production of 600 thousand tons of ready-made potassium chloride, enriched in the processing complex.
     With the launch of the JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant” a new type of potassium chloride mineral fertilizer was completely localized in the chemical industry of our country. In 2010, when the company just started its activity, local consumers were provided with 1.9 thousand tons of chloride mineral fertilizers, in 2019, 41.04 thousand tons, in 2020, 54 thousand tons of potassium chloride mineral fertilizers for growing agricultural products and other areas were delivered in 6 months. As a result, before the launch of the enterprise, the domestic demand for imported potash products was fully met, the import of potash fertilizers to Uzbekistan was suspended, and most importantly, the withdrawal of foreign currency from the country was prevented.
     With the launch of the enterprise, Uzbekistan became the sixteenth (third in the CIS) country for production of potash fertilizers in the world. Currently, nine countries – Spain, Canada, the United States, Brazil, China, Israel, Russia, Belarus, and now Uzbekistan has facilities for production of all types of mineral fertilizers, namely nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash fertilizers.
     The company meets its 10th anniversary with high results and promising plans. In particular, over the past 10 years of operation, the JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant” has exported potash fertilizer worth 30 million USD to more than 30 foreign countries.
     To date, the total volume of exported products since the start of the enterprise has reached 1,510 thousand tons. Potash fertilizer produced in Uzbekistan has entered the markets of the People’s Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Moldova, Ukraine and Africa.
     It should be emphasized that with the launch of the enterprise, Dehkanabad district was excluded from the list of subsidized districts by the state budget. Currently the funds allocated by the enterprise for development of the district’s infrastructure, and tax payments to the budget are increasing year by year. Undoubtedly, these results are due to the selfless work of the company’s staff. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the company’s employees and qualified specialists work effectively even during the pandemic in our country.
     I once again congratulate the staff of the JSC “Dehkanabad Potash Plant” on this holiday and wish you great success in your responsible activities and selfless work. Let the peace and tranquility not leave your homes! May our land be peaceful and the sky be clear!
Acting Chairman of the Board
of the JSC “Uzkimyosanoat”
J. T. Mirzamakhmudov


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