(English) KNAUF In Uzbekistan: German Quality Construction Materials and Innovations in Modular Construction


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     KNAUF occupies a leading position in the construction materials market of Uzbekistan. There are 4 enterprises of the Company presented in the country: foreign enterprise “KNAUF GYPS BUKHARA” LLC (production of gypsum boards and metal profiles), as well as JV JSC “Bukharagyps” (production of dry gypsum mix) both in Bukhara region, “Noviy dom” (production of modular structure) in Tashkent city and “KNAUF GYPS FERGANA” LLC (production of gypsum boards and dry gypsum mix), which has been under construction now in Fergana region.
     The production volume of gypsum KNAUF-boards in 2020 due to the pandemic amounted to 38.5 million square meters, and in 2021 the company is planning to increase it again to 40 million square meters (an increase of 4%). The production of dry gypsum mixes increased by 20% and reached 133 thousand tons in 2020. In 2021, KNAUF is planning to produce 150 thousand tons of high-quality plaster, putty and construction adhesive in Uzbekistan.
Investment in economy of Uzbekistan
     For over 20 years KNAUF has been an important investor in Uzbekistan. As of January 01, 2021 a total amount of investments in form of direct investments and reinvestments was more than €90 million.
     In 2020, the company launched a second gypsum-making production, and in the 1st quarter of 2021, it commissioned an additional line of dry mixes. This will increase the production volume to 200,000 tons/year. The amount of reinvestments is € 2.2 million.
     Despite of 100-% workload of KNAUF enterprises in Bukhara region, the domestic market of Uzbekistan still needs the high-quality KNAUF construction materials. In this regard, at the end of 2019 the Company commenced the construction of the third plant located in Fergana region. The amount of planned investments is € 17.2 million. The production will be launched at the end of 2021 and additional 17 million square meters of gypsum boards and 40 thousand tons of dry gypsum mixes will be located in the market.
Pre-fabricated modular buildings using KNAUF technology
     In 2020, two demonstrational buildings were constructed using the KNAUF prefab-technology in Uzbekistan. The design of the projects and production of modules for such pre-fabricated structures were developed by “Noviy dom” LLC. In addition to Uzbekistan, KNAUF develops this direction also in Russia, Germany, Austria and Czech Republic.
     A distinctive feature of modular buildings is the production of all building components directly at the plant. Ready-made modules are delivered at the site, where they are quickly assembled into a structure in accordance with the design. Assembly and installation takes a week, and the construction of the building itself may take 3 weeks, taking into account general construction works and communications. Such buildings keep the temperature well – thermal insulation layer in its properties is equivalent to the wall of two bricks. In Russia they stand the frost down to -25C, and in Tashkent the tests were successfully passed at -15C.
     The frame of the modular building consists of a galvanized metal structure, for the external cladding, moisture- and fire-resistant cement slabs, the famous KNAUF AQUAPANEL® are used. The walls are insulated with TeploKNAUF insulation and AcoustiKNAUF soundproof boards. KNAUF gypsum materials are used for interior decoration.
     KNAUF technology can be used not only for housing, but also for other facilities: kindergartens, public service centers, hotels, places of cultural activities, medical and other centers.
     KNAUF in Uzbekistan does not stand still, and continues to strongly develop in all directions: to invest in production, expand the product line, maintaining its leadership on the market of high-quality construction materials, train and implement interesting social initiatives.


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