The country’s future

Youth Union: the Platform of Purpose and Patriotism


     Since the first days of independence in Uzbekistan, the upbringing of harmoniously developed young generation was one of the priorities of the state and society. And now, on June 30, 2017, a significant event took place in the life of the country’s youth – an organization was created that expresses the interests of the younger generation — the Youth Union of Uzbekistan (YUU).
     For more than a year, the Youth Union has been the very structure that implements the state youth policy, taking responsibility for the protection of the rights and freedoms of boys and girls of the country. The new public organization has broad authorities. Its goals and objectives are enshrined in the July 5, 2017 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Improve the Efficiency of the State Youth Policy and Support the Activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan” and the July 18, 2017 Resolution “On Measures to Improve the Efficiency of the State Youth Policy and Support the Activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan”.
     The activities of the Youth Union are supported by the legal framework created over the past year: 26 laws and legislative documents were adopted, about 70 legal acts were amended to reflect the youth issues.
     Young people of 33-35 with many years of managerial experience, competent, educated have been elected as heads of the Youth Councils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, as well as City and District councils. In the future they may be recommended for the post of khokim.
     In order to support the YUU, coordinate the activities of agencies involved in the implementation of the state youth policy, the Interagency Council on Youth Policy was established under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, and the regional units of the Council — under the chairmanship of khokims. A Commission on Youth Issues was formed under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.
     The large family of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan consists of 26 officially registered new organizations, including: the Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, the Republican Council of Young Scientists, the Council of Creative Youth, the Council of Young Filmmakers, the Republican Council of Young Farmers, the Youth Tourism Agency, the Youth Media Center, and the Youth Publishing House.
     In order to create a unified system of research of youth problems, retraining and professional development of promising young specialists, an institution has been established – which is called the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and Training of Promising Specialists.
     The new practice of appointment of people younger than 30 to senior positions has been introduced in Uzbekistan.
     To implement the cooperation of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan with ministries, agencies and organizations, economic associations, as well as political parties (126 units), the Councils of Leaders have been created, 23 798 primary organizations have been formed in their structure and leaders have been elected. Today, the Youth Union consists of 7 million 511 thousand members, the children’s organization “Kamalak” has 3 million 255 thousand memebrs.

     The main activities of the YUU are: working with unemployed youth; assistance in the employment of unemployed youth; cooperation with the World Youth Association jointly with compatriots living outside the country; cooperation with the Agency for External Migration on the organization of seasonal employment of unemployed boys and girls outside the country; assistance in repatriation and employment of young Uzbeks; assistance in the development of youth entrepreneurship and others.

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