27 September 2021, Tashkent, Uzbekistan — The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) continues to provide socio-economic support to rural people within the framework of the CACILM-2 project (Integrated Natural Resources Management in Drought-prone and Salt-affected Agricultural Production Landscapes in Central Asia and Turkey) which is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). In Uzbekistan the project is implemented in cooperation and strong support of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Recently the FAO Representation in Uzbekistan sent modern agricultural equipment to Bukhara province including 10 pit drills, 10 knapsack sprayers and 10 water pumps.
“One of important tasks of the project is assisting the development of rural households for more efficient use of land and for providing higher incomes for rural people. For this purpose, the new equipment was donated to the smallholders of Bukhara province. The beneficiaries were selected on the recommendations of the local khokimiyat (administration of the district)”, – said national project manager Mukhammadjon Kosimov.
Pit drill is designed for drilling holes in the ground, and its use greatly facilitates work on personal plots. The new equipment makes it possible to mechanize the process of planting seedlings, which saves time and resources, and the design of the device ensures ease and high quality of drilling.
Knapsack sprayers will be used primarily for chemical treatment of plants. Due to its portability and lightness, the equipment is easy to use in various working conditions. Knapsack sprayers make it easier to process plants to control pests and diseases.
The use of water pumps will contribute to the guaranteed water supply for personal plots.
Soon, within the framework of the project, similar agricultural equipment will also be delivered and donated to the smallholders of Kamashi district of the Kashkadarya province.
The overall objective of the CACILM-2 is to scale up integrated natural resources management (INRM) in drought-prone and salt-affected agricultural production landscapes in the Central Asian countries and Turkey. In Uzbekistan this project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture. The implementation of this project also contributes to the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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