Marketing in CRM

(English) Building an Effective CRM System


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     Currently, the views in marketing has undergone significant changes. Here, the key areas are client-oriented concepts, according to which the client, client’s attitude, opinion and desires are fundamental factors in the organization of the entire complex of business processes of the company: commercial, production, financial and other operations. So, long-term, trusting, mutually beneficial relationships with clients and partners are put at the forefront.
     The strategic goal of any company’s development is to strengthen its position in the market, develop new areas of activity, strengthen its competitive advantages, and reduce operating and financial expenses. And the main goal of customer relationship management processes is the effective implementation of all stages and operations of customer service, providing high-quality products and services that meet the expectations and requests of customers.
     The essence of the concept of customer relationship management – CRM boils down to the fact that the customer who makes multiple purchases from the company for a long time is most preferable, which means that they should have a preferential right to special attention, loyalty and exclusive service.
     Optimal organization of customer relationship management processes in the company allows one to achieve the following results:
     ● improve the quality and expand the range of products and services of the company;
     ● to ensure a stable level of sales and increase the income;
     ● expand communication channels with clients;
     ● increase customer loyalty;
     ● provide high quality customer service;
     ● improve the effectiveness and impact of marketing campaigns.
     Thus, the CRM concept covers several areas of the company’s activity: sales, marketing, and customer service. CRM as a sales management tool allows one to optimize and improve work with potential customers, thereby increasing the effectiveness of sales funnel management – a marketing model that describes the intended “journey” of a future buyer from the first acquaintance with an offer or product to a real purchase.
The main task of marketing in CRM is to create an effective system of relationships with customers throughout the entire life cycle of interaction with the company.
     Customer relationship management in the service area consists of two main areas. First, it is necessary to create a positive customer experience when interacting with the company (visiting the store, contacting the support service, etc.); second, to implement effective customer satisfaction management – processing customer requests, analyzing feedback, and timely response in case of questions and complaints.
     To build a CRM system, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the methodology used and an individual approach that takes into account the specifics of the company. When choosing a methodology for managing customer relations, based on which CRM processes will be optimized, one should adhere to the following principles: completeness – the coverage of all areas of the company and customers; integrity – all divisions operate synchronously within a single paradigm; flexibility – individual characteristics of the company and the specifics of its business should be taken into account.
     These processes mainly involve the following divisions of the company: marketing department, sales department, service department, call center or support service. However, the responsibility for making decisions in the field of marketing falls on the entire staff of the enterprise, since it requires the participation in marketing activities of not only marketing specialists, but also employees of other departments. Management is charged with the strategic task of forming and developing long-term mutually beneficial relationships in the process of interaction of the company with customers, buyers and partners.
     To manage a CRM project, one needs to create a cross-team within the company that would be responsible for the final result. Companies can use external consultants who are competent in the subject area and familiar with best practices.
You can read the whole article in the printed version of the magazine.


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