Архив номеров

Cooperation Between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Turkey in the Energy Sector

The Republic of Turkey has a significant experience of successful development of the electric power sector.

Geological Research for Successful Projects

Founded in 2007 Edzem Engineering LLC specializes on engineering and geological surveys – a set of works on the study of geological conditions.

Tourism Potential of Uzbekistan through the Eyes of the Whole World

According to experts, the potential of Uzbekistan in cultural, historical, gastronomic, MICE (a type of tourism in which large groups, usually planned well in advance, are brought together),

We are Explaining the Support tnd Incentives of Uzbekistan to Turkish Business People

 I first came to Uzbekistan in 2000. Although I was not born in Uzbekistan, I grew up there.

Successful Implementation of a Proactive Export Promotion Strategy by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Turkey

The COVID-19 pandemic, which suddenly hit in December last year, radically changed the situation around the world and determined the economic trends of the world economy.

The Ancient City of Khiva Declared Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2020

Within the framework of the initiative launched in 2012 to declare one city of the Turkic world as its cultural capital every year,

A Million Things to do One Place to Stay

Hilton Tashkent City — the 21-storey, 258-room hotel offers a wide range of amenities, including unrivaled event space and a fabulous spa.

Aysel Energy Improves the Reliability of the Country’s Energy System

 Providing localities and enterprises with electricity at a modern level requires high-quality equipment.

Alihan organic

Dr. Ali BAKLAN, one of the founders of BAKTAT Group of Companies, BAKTAT OLIVE INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC, Founder and Chairman of the Board, has made successful ventures and

Узбекистан – Турция: межпарламентское сотрудничество поднялось на качественно новый уровень

Взаимодействие между парламентами Узбекистана и Турции стремительно развивается за последние годы, приобретая новое содержание и динамику.

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    Узбекистан, 100000, г. Ташкент, ул. Алайская, 1

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