(Русский) Towards the Heights of Development

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     According to the Action Strategy on the five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, today there are social and economic reforms being implemented in all spheres and directions of activities in our country, and population of Jizzakh province has also been actively involved in this process.
The history of Jizzakh has its roots deep in the ancient times. This is testified by rock paintings and inscriptions discovered here, a unique solar calendar for determining seasons found in Gallyaaral, traces of using deposits in antiquity. Many finds are yet to be fully studied and further researched.
In the IX–XIII centuries the Great Silk Road passed over this territory previously referred to as the country of Ustrushan. That ensured effective development of trade and crafts. Social and economic situation remained stable up to the Mongolian invasion.
Presently there are 366 places of pilgrimage located in the province. During the years of independence the cultural and historical monuments of Sa’d ibn Abu Vaqqos, Muhammad Sharif Grekushokh, Novka ota, Hoja Mushkent ota, Parpi ota located in Gallyaaral, Farish, Bakhmal, Yangiabad and Sharaf-Rashidov regions have been restored.
Citizens of Jizzakh are rightly proud of their countrymen whose great merits have been recognised by our country. They are politicians and public figures, poets and writers – Sharaf Rashidov, Hamid Alimdjan, Nazir Safarov, Shukur Sa’dulla, Tura Sulaymon, Okiljon Khusanov, Keldi Kadyrov, Sattor Karabaev, Sharofat Botirova.
Jizzakh province plays an important role in the economy of our country. Lowlands, hills and mountains, steppes and plains, natural lakes are found in its territory. In foothill areas population is engaged in dryland farming, gardening, vine growing and cattle breeding. Colourful nature landscape, unique relief and moderate climate give ample opportunities for tourism development. Travelers are impressed by juniper forests on downhills, thickets of almonds and centenary walnut trees, variety of medicinal herbs.
The province is rich in natural resources: gold, copper, tungsten, wollastonite, lead, zinc, lime, marble, silicates and other minerals. There are more than 40 deposits, including one gold deposit, two silver deposits and three deposits of base metal. Main stocks of mineral raw materials are located in territories of Bakhmal, Gallyaaral, Sharaf-Rashidov, Farishs and Zafarabad regions. In particular, in Bakhmal region there are stocks of laminated stone, marble and lime, in Gallyaaral – cement raw materials, wollastonite and marble, in Sharaf-Rashidov region – marble, silicate minerals, abrasives and corundum, in Farish region – cement raw materials, sand and gravel.
Reforms performed in our country have largest effect on economy of Jizzakh province. Large-scale modernisation and reconstruction, successful implementation of developed state programs, effective activities of financial institutions also contribute to further development of economy. Physical and legal entities of Jizzakh province are rendered services by 40 branches of 11 commercial banks, 52 mini-banks and 64 special cash desks.
Providing financial support to small and private business is one of important lines of banks’ activities. In 2016 commercial banks assigned over 454 billion UZS of credit funds to small business entities meaning the growth of 1.3 times. 75.4 billion UZS (16.6 %) of them have been directed to the industry, 81.5 billion UZS (17.9 %) – to agricultural industry, 81.7 billion UZS (18.0 %) – to trade and public catering, 81.8 billion UZS (18.0 %) – to building sector, 51.6 billion UZS (11.4 %) – to public services, 31 billion UZS (6.9 %) – to transport and communication spheres, 51 billion UZS (11.2 %) – to small business entities of other fields.
Steps supporting small business entities and entrepreneurship have been continued in 2017 as well. Expansion of food production and ensuring food security are the urgent issues today. For the purpose of funding for implementation of this objective and according to the Resolution No. PP-1047 of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 26, 2009 “About additional measures on expansion of food commodities manufacture and home market saturation”, business entities have been allocated credit funds at the amount of 77.4 billion UZS.
Particular attention is being given to involving women and graduates of professional colleges in entrepreneurial activities. Over seven months of the current year credits amounting to 38.3 billion UZS and 1.4 billion UZS have been allocated to them correspondingly.
Ensuring economic success in our country, increase of social activity of population, creation of necessary conditions for business development are closely connected with agricultural sector.
Not coincidentally, first decrees issued by the head of our country have been focused on reforming of agricultural sector. This has given rural working people assurance of tomorrow, understanding how their work may improve their economic well-being and social status; this has empowered dekhans, who have realized the essence of on-going reforming. Systematic implementation of programs and projects directed to develop agricultural sector and industry has allowed creating production mechanisms fully complying with market relations. The important factor is that a number of laws, decrees and resolutions directed on reforming of agricultural industry have provided for priority of dekhans’ interests.
In the province the water for agricultural needs is provided from the Southern Mirzachul channel with length of 127 km, the Sanzar river (143 km) and the Eski Tuya-Tartar channel (94 km). The climate is severely continental here, the average annual temperature is equal to 14-15 °С, summers are dry and hot and winters are rather soft. In mountainous areas of Bakhmal region, in some parts of Zaamin and Farish regions the cool prevails in summer months. Growth season includes 240-260 days with 2800–3000 hours of sunshine per year.
A strong focus of the Jizzakh workers is placed on development of cotton growing and yield enhancement. As a result of application of effective and modern methods of cotton cultivation profitability level has increased and the yield has reached 10-14 centners per hectare. Thanks to rational application of agricultural measures there is annual increase of yield and income volumes.
Reconstruction of cotton-processing factories, replacement of outdated equipment and technologies by modern and cost-effective ones are required for processing cotton yield. The Resolution No. 70 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 3, 2007 “About the program of modernisation and reconstruction of the enterprises of cotton-processing industry for 2007-2011” is directed to accomplishment of these objectives.
According to this resolution, in “Dashtobod pakhta tozalash” JSC, “Zarbdor pakhta tozalash” JSC, “Zafarobod pakhta tozalash” JSC, “Jizzakhpakhtasanoat khududiy filiali” LLC obsolete and worn out equipment of cotton fibre cleaning has been replaced by cost-effective equipment meeting all modern requirements. The result was not slow to arrive: the premium cotton fibre makes 9.1 % from total amount of produced fibre; fibre of the higher and middle quality – 83.6% including cotton fibre of the higher quality – 36.2%. Through reconstruction of factories the consumption of electricity necessary for clearing of one ton of cotton has decreased by 15-20%. If previously a factory could process 30-40 tons of cotton fibre within 24 hours, then after installation of new equipment this indicator amounts to 50-60 tons. It is most important that quality indicators have been raised: fibre yield has reached 33.4 %, the volume of premium cotton equals 98.6%.
Everybody knows the statement: “Qualitative seeds – pledge of big crops”. During the process of equipment replacing the enterprises have paid special attention to preparation of seed grains. On the basis of the Resolution No. 604 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 23, 2004 “About measures on enhancement of the organization of cotton seed-growing” the factories have adjusted the operation of workshops of preparation of fuzzy and naked cotton seeds. Germination capacity of cotton seeds has averaged 3-4 %; this has considerably reduced the quantity of seeds per hectare.
In the reporting year according to the programs adopted for the purpose of volume growth of food and non-food production, 1 076 projects have been implemented including projects on development of a number of enterprises specializing in following activities: cattle breeding – 96 facilities, goat breeding – 46, sheep breeding – 59, rabbit breeding – 7, poultry breeding – 36, fish farming – 25, beekeeping – 115, vine growing – 498, intensive gardening – 154 and also 9 enterprises of cold storing and 31 processing companies. This has led to good results in the following sectors: cattle breeding – 2 490 animals were raised, poultry breeding – 491.3 thousand birds were bred, beekeeping – 8 097 beehives have been bred, 182 hectares of artificial reservoirs were provided to fish farming purposes. By implementing these projects 2 789 new jobs have been created. Moreover, 170 business entities have developed intensive gardens on 848 hectares of the land area and 399 entities have planted 1 115 hectares of vineyards. The total funds allocated for these activities amount to 15.6 billion UZS, 1 634 new jobs have been created.
Constant development of agricultural and industrial industries requires volume growth of electric capacities and output of oil products. To this end, modern oil refining enterprise is being constructed in Zafarabad region; the total cost of this project is 2.2 billion UZS, processing capacity is 5 million tons of crude oil per year.
The raw for oil processing complex will be delivered on the oil pipeline with length of 95 km. The construction of the oil pipeline is the outcome of fruitful negotiations during visits of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Russia and Kazakhstan. Implementation of this project will allow to considerably lower energy resource consuming and will have positive effect on economic efficiency. Due to convenient geographical location of the complex delivery of produced goods to all regions of the country will be done at the minimum costs. For deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials the enterprise will introduce modern, effective from both ecological and energy point of views, meeting international standards technologies to produce automobile and aviation fuel, benzene, fuel oil, bitumen and other oil products.
The launching of this new complex will provide for creation of over 2 thousand new jobs and over 14 thousand new jobs in involved sectors.
In the city of Jizzakh the building of modern joint venture to produce Peugeot and Citroen cars for passengers and cargo transportation has been begun. The enterprise authorized capital equals 30 million Euro, investments at a rate of 130 million EUR have been allocated. As per the resolution of the president of our country project participants have been provided for preferential tax and customs duties.
Moreover, Chinese “MingYuan Silu Industrу” company is building a plant for manufacture of flat glass in the territory of “Jizzakh” free economic zone. The plant is scheduled for launch in March 2018. From then onward “MingYuan Silu Industry” company will become the largest producer and supplier of flat glass in Central Asia.
Under the Program of social and economic development of Jizzakh province in 2016-2019, in 2016 1 878 projects costing 545.3 billion UZS have been implemented, 227.5 billion UZS of credits have been allocated by commercial banks, 12.9 thousand new jobs have been created. 304 projects have been carried out in the industry, 806 – in service industry, 768 – in agricultural industry. Following the program manufacture of over 50 types of new industrial products has been well developed, including: brake shoes and linings for all types of vehicles, sewing-machines, steel items and accessories, different types of polypropylene pipes, fittings, valves, pipe installation accessories, energy saving lamps and other items.
According to the territorial program on foreign investments attraction, 19 projects have been implemented totally amounting to 22.3 million USD, the target plan for the amount of 14.1 million USD has been fulfilled to 100.3%.
As of January 2017 77 enterprises with participation of foreign investments have been registered in the province and 72 enterprises successfully operate. Operation of 5 enterprises is suspended due to different reasons. In all regions except Bakhmal and Zafarabad regions, there are enterprises with foreign investments, including in following fields:
• consumer goods industry – 14;
• electrical engineering – 2;
• production of construction materials – 14;
• metal fabrication industries – 14;
• food production – 4;
• chemistry and petrochemicals production – 4;
• service industry – 12;
• other – 8 enterprises.
Many industrial enterprises are included into the program of localisation. For example, four enterprises manufacture 8 types of goods, in particular, “Jizzakh plastmassa” JSC specializes in production of polymeric tubes for winding of acetate rayon fiber and monoblocks for accumulator batteries; “Imorat ADA” private enterprise produces cold resistant gypsum and mineral powder for road concrete mixes; “Olmachi polimer” LLC has mastered the production of construction materials imitating wood; “Trust Electronics” produces monitors for personal computers, meat grinders, cords with plugs. During the year under review the output has amounted to 17.5 billion UZS and savings have stood at 5.3 million USD.
With a view to execute the Resolution No. 55 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 26, 2016 “About the program of service industry development in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2016-2020” the corresponded territorial programs have been developed in cities and regions of the province. Under fulfillment of territorial program 806 facilities totally amounting to 106.8 billion UZS have been put in commission, including: 19 communications and informational support enterprises, 20 facilities of financial services rendering, 9 – computer programming, 13 – transport, 87 – public catering, 12 – educational, 309 – trading, 23 – medical facilities and others. Through the commissioning of new facilities 3 687 new jobs including 2 212 in rural area have been created, services have been rendered at the amount of 2 027.3 billion UZS, the growth has made 117.7%. Fulfillment of all forecast targets has provided for the share of the industry in the GRP at the level of 37.9%.
In compliance with the Resolution No. 11 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 26, 2015 “About additional measures on provision of sustainable activities and maximum capacity utilization of industrial and building organizations”, the territorial administration of the State Committee for Competition of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with corresponding state bodies and business entities has analyzed activities of unprofitable and insufficiently profitable industrial and construction enterprises. Following the results of the inspection the territorial administration of the State Committee for Competition together with economic board authorities and local khokimiyat (local government authorities) has developed the program on improvement of activities of five unprofitable and insufficiently profitable industrial and construction enterprises in Jizzakh province: “Qo‘ytosh koni” JV LLC in Gallyaaral, “Oybek-Diyor” LLC, “Jizzax Еlit Рoyafzal” JV LLC and “Buston Оlami” LLC in the city of Jizzakh, “Jizzakh kurilish servis” LLC in Zaamin region. In response to realization of measures provided in the “Road Map”, in 2016 these enterprises:
• employed 2 257 million UZS of funds, including 2 082 million UZS of own funds;
• had production capacity at the level of 57.2 % on average;
• produced goods and rendered services on the amount of 27.2 billion UZS;
• created 60 new jobs;
• received 1.7 billion UZS in profit.
Of 621.3 billion UZS directed on accomplishment of tasks provided in the State program «Year of Healthy Mother and Child», 162.9 billion UZS are allocated by the budget, 173.3 billion UZS are invested by contractors and sponsors, 258.8 billion UZS are bank loans, 33.6 billion UZS are grants. The target plan has been fulfilled to 101.2%. Under the given program in villages 741 residential houses have been built and commissioned. 16.9 km of electric and 17.5 km of gas networks have been constructed for housing estates.
In the street of Navoiy of the regional centre multistory apartment houses are being constructed to improve living conditions of population. In order to create conditions for providing highly professional medical assistance to population, in the sector of public health facilities construction and repair work has been performed and technical equipment has been supplied amounting to 16.2 billion UZS.
During the period under consideration as per the program on new job creation and ensuring employment to population there have been created 44 292 new jobs in the province, including:
• in the industry – 6 416 positions;
• in services sector – 3 252 positions;
• in agricultural industry – 2 938 positions;
• by means of new enterprises establishment – 2 642 positions;
• by means of credits allocated to small enterprises and micro firms – 3 663 positions;
• in individual enterprise – 4 379 positions;
• by means of home-based business – 9 060 positions;
• by means of development of dekhan and farming entities – 9 787 positions.
The plan has been fulfilled to 100.5%. Of total number of the created new jobs 13 199 have been given to women, 16 015 – to young people, 7 610 – to graduates of professional colleges. The number of the jobs created under implementation of target programs has reached 17 186 positions.
The results achieved in each field of activities give a clear idea of purposefulness and diligence of business owners, farmers and stock-breeders. Many achievements are the result of their activities in implementation of the state and regional programs in the partnership with local and state authorities. People residing in Jizzakh are creators, they wish to accelerate development of the province, improve the place they live in, create solid foundation for the prosperity. Increase in the number of such generous, courageous and noble people in Jizzakh oasis will undoubtedly open the way towards new heights!
Ergash SALIEV,
khokim of the region


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