(Русский) Aysel Energy Improves the Reliability of the Country’s Energy System


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     Providing localities and enterprises with electricity at a modern level requires high-quality equipment. The main requirements for such devices are not only reliability and quality, but also safety of operation. JV LLC «AYSEL ENERGY» is one of the leading enterprises of the electrical industry in Uzbekistan, with experience in the production of low-voltage and high-voltage equipment for a voltage of 0.4-500 kV, as well as installation of power supply systems. The aim of AYSEL ENERGY is to create domestic, import-substituted, competitive products for efficient and stable operation of the country’s energy system.
     JV LLC “AYSEL ENERGY”, established by a large construction company JV LLC “Aysel Inshaat” and Turkish firm NBB Makina Insaat San. Ve Tic. A. S., confidently looks to the future and consistently builds a policy of its presence in the market. The company offers a full range of services – from pre-design research to serial production and delivery of standard and non-standard electrical equipment according to the customer’s technical specifications. The projects are implemented in close and mutually beneficial cooperation with leading design organizations in Turkey and Uzbekistan.
     The large production potential of JV LLC “AYSEL ENERGY” combined with the introduction of scientific and technical developments allows us to offer customers competitive products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of international standards, which in turn contributes to solving complex problems of switching and distribution of low and high voltage electrical energy.
Today, the range of mass-produced products of JV LLC “AYSEL ENERGY” includes:
     ● complete transformer block substations with a voltage of 35-500 kV;
     ● closed switchgears (CS) 6(10)-35 kV cells of the K-63, K – 61, K-65 Series;
     ● complete transformer substations with a capacity from 4 to 2500 kVA for a voltage of up to 10 kV (single-phase mast KTP substations, 25-250 KVA mast KTPM, 25-250 kVA column ktps, 10(6)0.4 kV kiosk (pass-through) PKTPC, 250-2500 kVA industrial KTPP, packaged two-transformer substation of urban type;
     ● System of dispatching and monitoring of engineering systems.
     ● complete distribution devices for outdoor installations with a voltage of 6(10) kV of kiosk sub-station K-59 type;
     ● cameras of CSR-298, CSR-285, CSR-366 and CSR-386 series;
     ● HVDS type complete cells for outdoor installation of a free-standing;
     ● VRU input and distribution devices;
     ● switchboard cabinets (SBC) electrical panel-85 to 6300A;
     ● 11 series power distribution cabinets of the distribution panel;
     ● distribution cabinets of the PR series;
     ● YA-5000 series control boxes;
     ● group control systems light board-6, light board -12, light board-6, light board -12;
     ● YAOU-type automatic reserve input cabinets;
     ● boxes for distribution of electric energy stepdown transformer box;
     ● emergency lighting panels of the emergency lighting board series;
     ● YAOU series group control systems;
     ● HCP series house circuit panel; floor distribution box;
     ● power boxes YARB;
     ● cable carrier systems;
     ● LM mounting trays made of galvanized steel;
     ● shelves and racks;
     The products are successfully used in various sectors of the economy and industry, such as energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, transport, oil and gas, housing and municipal services. By implementing innovative solutions, products are made according to non-standard schemes, emergency production and delivery to strategically important facilities in Uzbekistan. That is why the company occupies a leading position in the market.
     The entire production process includes the following sections:
     ● storage;
     ● semiautomatic welding;
     ● argon arc welding;
     ● mechanical (including turning and milling).
     As well as workshops for:
     ● paintings;
     ● assembly of metal structures;
     ● assembly of electrical products;
     ● cellarage.
     The company has a well-developed production base with the most modern equipment, machines, plasma and the latest technological automated complexes for metalworking, painting and electroplating, including equipment with digital software control DURMA, ZAFER MAKINA powder coating line, etc. Thanks to powerful and first-class equipment, products are made with maximum precision, reducing the production time without losing high quality.
     Speaking of quality, we note that its control is carried out throughout the entire production process. The company has a certificate of compliance of the management system with the requirements of ISO9001. The experienced design service constantly accumulates and updates the technological potential. In addition, there is its own testing center accredited by the certification bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and all products manufactured by the company are manufactured in accordance with GOST Standards and the requirements of the inspection for control in the electric power industry under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, certified by the Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Uzstandart” and has a mandatory manufacturer’s warranty.
     In addition to the production of electrical products, JV LLC “AYSEL ENERGY” performs design, installation and commissioning of the supplied equipment with subsequent service, warranty and post-warranty service. Thus, a full cycle of turnkey works is provided.
     The company’s employees are a single, well-coordinated team that, with extensive experience and competence, provides prompt and optimal solutions to problems of any complexity that arise during the production process, the customer’s choice of the necessary product, further delivery and shipment. A highly qualified technical and design department implements important projects to create non-standard equipment. The accepted corporate culture of the company allows each employee to reveal their abilities, apply them in practice, and thus gain a team spirit and a sense of belonging to the common cause.
The main strategic goal of the company is to build mutually beneficial and long-term relationships with partners. Therefore, it is not surprising that such reputable companies as “Metpromproekt”, “Navoi-Azot”, “Discover Invest”, NMP, AMP, Maxam-Chirchiq, “Uzmetkombinat”, “ENTER Engineering”, “TMZ”, “O’zbekneftgaz”, “Uzbekistan Temir Yullari”, Uzbekistan Airways, Legrand, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Alageum Electric, EKF, and many others are actively cooperating with AYSEL ENERGY today.
     Thus, impeccable experience in the electrical market, reliable partnerships with the world’s leading manufacturers of components, well-established logistics allow the company JV LLC “AYSEL ENERGY” to deliver any order in the best possible time in the interests of the consumer. Of course, a well-chosen strategy will not only contribute to further development of the enterprise, but will also make it possible to make new successes and achievements in the history of Uzbekistan’s energy sector.
Sergey MAKSUDOV, Head of Marketing and Sales Department


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