(Русский) Geological Research for Successful Projects


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     Founded in 2007 Edzem Engineering LLC specializes on engineering and geological surveys – a set of works on the study of geological conditions. The research is focused on the topography, features and characteristics of soils and groundwater, as well as analysis, evaluation and forecasting of changes in the geological environment. The company has modern technologies, the best drilling equipment and, of course, trained specialists. The company employs a professional team of engineers: 8 geologists, 3 civil engineers and 2 geophysicists, as well as professionals.
     The engineering surveys with well drilling performed by Edzem Engineering, involves:
     ● preparatory stage – collection of data on the physical characteristics of the site and its technical equipment;
     ● field work – geodetic surveys with geological / hydrological drilling;
     ● laboratory research – study of samples of ground materials obtained during drilling with different locations and depths.
     The task of engineering drilling is to obtain accurate data on the environment and natural resources of the area, the state of soil and groundwater, and to study the safety and effectiveness of options for using sites for construction of water wells, agricultural work and construction.
     The company’s specialists perform engineering drilling of wells using several methods: core drilling – small-diameter wells using low-frequency carbide drills with water flushing and installation of casing pipes, which allows drilling deep and with minimal soil destruction; auger drilling – (“dry” drilling) – large-diameter wells that destroy the structure of the soil, etc. The drilling method is selected taking into account the purpose and depth of the well, the characteristics of the soil, the specified survey conditions and the technical condition of the work sites. The drilled well is then plugged, and the selected core is delivered to the company’s laboratories for further research, preparation of an expert report on the site, topographic plan and geological section of the site. Based on the completed drilling and the documentation of the territory, the project documentation for drilling water wells and construction of residential and industrial facilities is subsequently developed.
The scope of work includes the construction of dams, tunnels, highways, bridges, railways, viaducts, high-rises, docks, ports, airports, power plants, fuel storage facilities, shopping and office centers, sports facilities, cultural facilities.
     A large number of major geo – and hydrotechnical projects, research and development for industrial, civil, architectural and other projects in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and our country have already been completed: the ASMIN MÜHENDISLIK & INŞAAT project, the industrial zone with a swimming pool in Ankara, railway lines, drinking water and sewerage systems, drip irrigation and sprinkling system, road construction, including metro, power plants, industrial plants, etc.
     The company’s professionals will arrive at the site, where they will: conduct the necessary inspection, measurements and selection of the drilling method; drill hydrogeological wells; take soil and water samples; carry out the necessary laboratory studies of materials; make a technical report, geodetic plan with a geological section.
     In addition to the vast experience gained, the company’s advantages are: expanded geography – a team of professionals is completely autonomous and mobile; availability of modern equipment – own drilling rigs of different sizes, equipment, and a fleet of the world’s best manufacturers; a competent team of certified specialists; winning tenders at public and socially significant facilities.
     A lot of attention is paid to control and the operations in general, because the company understands its responsibility. Therefore, Edzem Engineering LLC complies with all the rules and technologies for conducting geological research. Thanks to the help and support of partners, the company implements innovative solutions and approaches, and then shares its knowledge and experience with clients for successful implementation of projects.


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