(Русский) We are Explaining the Support tnd Incentives of Uzbekistan to Turkish Business People


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     I first came to Uzbekistan in 2000. Although I was not born in Uzbekistan, I grew up there. I have never felt myself in a different country. The friendly and welcoming friendship of the Uzbek people tied us with strong emotional ties like they fascinated every guest who came to the country. Uzbekistan has been a homeland for us since the day we came. We invite everyone to Uzbekistan to get to know these beautiful people and to feel beautiful customs and traditions that we have forgotten.
     Turkish companies contribute to manufacturing in Uzbekistan.
     Turkish business people have made strong investments in many different sectors in Uzbekistan for many years and are continuing to do so. I thank them for this.
     Why? Construction companies started to make good projects with the declaration of independence of the country. Today, Uzbekistan construction companies can undertake the most beautiful and quality projects in Russia and in other countries. After that, Turkish companies brought highly qualified people to the sector with their knowledge and experience in the hospitality, marketing and textile sectors.
     Today, Uzbek companies are doing very good work in every sector. Why I wanted to say this? Earning money has always been in the second place between the two countries, they raised beautiful people.
     Now they are contributing to manufacturing in Uzbekistan. Many of them have built huge factories.
     I wholeheartedly thank all of our Turkish business people who have fully transferred their knowledge and experience and have always worked focusing on training people.
     Our work on Turkish business people getting to know Uzbekistan and making investments continues. On this issue, Ambassador of Uzbekistan in Ankara, Alişer Bey, Commercial Attaché Aziz Bey, Consul Otabek Bey attract our business people with their eager positions and interests.
     We explain the support and incentives of Uzbekistan to Turkish business people.
     We invite them to Uzbekistan. The posts of Honorary Consuls have become a source of pride for me. Of course, our responsibility increased even more when they deemed this duty worthy of me.
     We have allocated an office in our factory in Antalya to this job. Our colleagues, who I have appointed, are in talks with chambers of commerce and industrial zones in more than 60 cities and provinces across Turkey.
     As Turkish companies, we know our duty as a part of the development and progress of the two countries by doing our best for a good industry and production.
     We are working with determination in this direction and we will carry on our work. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Uzbekistan in 2019 and his speech, and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s speech in Turkey in February 2020, had been the speeches we wanted to hear for years.
     I would especially like to thank them on behalf of Turkish business people for creating such enthusiasm and motivation. The clear vision of our leaders is a good environment for our moral and motivation to strengthen mutual cooperation.
BARIŞ GÖKÇE, Honorary Consul of Uzbekistan
Chairman of the Board of Demeter Sera
You can read the whole article in the printed version of the magazine.


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