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Жилой комплекс OQ SAROY от URBAN STROY – комфорт и высокие технологии

Urban Stroу является динамично развивающейся стро­ительной компанией с большим опытом работы в сфере жилищного строительства. Компания способна реализовывать самые сложные и современные проекты.

Финансовая поддержка инвестиционных проектов – приоритет банка «АСАКА»

В настоящее время в Узбекистане банки являются одними из основных участников инвестиционного рынка в связи с увеличением потребностей экономики в кредитовании строительства промышленных объектов, торговых комплексов, бизнес-центров, гостиниц и др. объектов.

Соглашение о сотрудничестве между АКИБ «ИПОТЕКА-БАНК» и российским АО «ГАЗПРОМБАНК»

В результате реализации активной инвестиционной политики Узбекистан активно включился в международное многостороннее экономическое сотрудничество.

JSC “UZSTROYMATERIALY”: our Priority is Strength and Durability

It is known that Uzbek people are characterized by such features as industriousness, hospitality, and respect for elders. The Uzbek mentality, which has developed since the down of time from the cultural and religious way of life, is inherently creative.

New Projects, Construction Technologies and Materials

The Chief Executive Officer of South Korean Research Institute for the Development of Technologies of Building Materials KICT,

JSC “UZSTROYMATERIALI”: the Industry’s Dynamic Development is a Factor of Economic Growth across the Country

On October 25, 2016, the construction industry of Uzbekistan steadily entered a radically new stage of its development, dictated by the requirements of the time.


Products of the German company KNAUF are well known to all — at least to those who have done a renovation. High-quality dry mixes with high-tech polymer additives and plasterboard sheets designed for wall cladding and creation of functional and decorative structures are in high demand on the Uzbek market.

JV LLC “BINOKOR TEMIR BETON SERVIS”: New Projects, Technologies, Materials

The plant JV LLC “BINOKOR TEMIR BETON SERVIS” is one of the modern and leading enterprises of Uzbekistan in the field of production of reinforced concrete products and ready-mix concrete. Today the plant’s production capacities allow to produce more than 2000 m3/day of commodity concrete and more than 500 m3/day of technical concrete.

“QUARTZ” is Entering the World Market with Modern Traditions

Today, the innovative and modern traditions are coming into every sphere of our life. With the introduction of innovations and development, the scientific, trade and economic, banking and financial and other spheres are increasingly coming into play.

Sustainable Constructions

The cost of such products, like buildings, is based on a wide range of unit prices. Despite large aggregate values, the unit cost of buildings seems to be low when compared to other products. The lowest costs can be met in simple pre-engineered metal buildings, and the highest prices are represented in complex of buildings with many mechanical and electrical services, for example, laboratories or hospitals.

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    Узбекистан, 100000, г. Ташкент, ул. Алайская, 1

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