(English) Cooperation for the Sake of Peace and Stability and Sustainable Development


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     Germany has been one of the key partners of Uzbekistan, rendering a comprehensive support to development of political, social and economic life of our country for almost thirty years, i.e. since the date of declaration of Uzbekistan independence. The steady dynamics of the mutual relation development, observed in the recent years, is a result of the joint actions aimed at implementation of agreements reached at the high-level meeting held in Berlin in 2019.
     During the talks between H.E. Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and H.E. Mr. Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, that took place in March, 2021 in the videoconference format, the German authorities highly appreciated the efforts and activity of our country that demonstrates the full support to the open foreign policy of renewed Uzbekistan. The important role of Uzbekistan in strengthening the relations of friendship, good neighborliness, trust and partnership in Central Asia was emphasized in particular. The Federal Republic of Germany comprehensively supports the reforms being carried out in Uzbekistan; Germany actively helps develop a civil society, create the effective mechanisms of protection of human rights and freedoms and update all spheres to achieve sustainable development of our country.
     The Parliament of Uzbekistan (Oliy Majlis) highly appreciates the comprehensive support of Germany contributing to the regional development, prevention of negative consequences of the Aral Sea ecological disaster, establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan through promotion of certain initiatives and projects on infrastructure development.
     The history of the Uzbekistan-Germany inter-parliamentary relations is very rich and its further improvement is of great importance for the two countries. Since the date of establishment of diplomatic relations, the Uzbekistan Parliament has welcomed over 25 official delegations of the Bundestag. Many joint actions of the members of the Parliaments of the two countries were successfully arranged and the regular meetings are being conducted to discuss the global, regional and intra-national aspects of human development. During these meetings special attention is paid to implementation of joint plans and constructive interaction in political, economic and social spheres. The discussions result in the practical measures aimed at further expansion of cooperation in many challenging directions of the present time, and in particular, the improvement of the legislative activity to ensure regional safety, effective and rational economic activity, together with protection of environment, conservation of natural resources, land and water. One of the important aspects of the discussions is the legal support of measures on adaptation of industries to climate change. Members of the Parliament of Germany and other German experts take an active part in various international seminars, conferences and roundtables hosted by Uzbekistan. The actions being taken in the directions having the great potential for practical interaction of our countries, e.g. power engineering, transport, construction industry, science, engineering, education, innovative development, information technologies, tourism, housing and municipal services, etc., also help find new opportunities for expansion of bilateral fruitful cooperation. The Uzbek parliamentarians participated in numerous international events organized by the European and German organizations and funds, such as the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. During these meetings, the members of Uzbekistan Parliament could learn the legislative experience of the German colleagues, their effective approaches and methods of implementation of legislative, regulating and analytical activities of the Bundestag deputies, providing analytical support to the German Parliament.
     Currently, the successful interaction is developing between the government- and non-governmental bodies of Uzbekistan and Germany, political and public circles of our countries where a special role belongs to cooperation between the Oliy Majlis and the Bundestag. In the Oliy Majlis, the inter-parliamentary group on cooperation with the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany headed by Mr. S. Safoev, the First Deputy Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, includes about fifteen Senators and Deputies of the Legislative Chamber who are performing the vigorous activity within its frame. In the German Bundestag, the parliamentary group “Germany-CA” led by Deputy Mr. M. Grund was organized; the group is in charge of cooperation with the Uzbek Parliament. This cooperation covers all spheres of the parliamentary activity aimed at establishment of peace and stability, achievement of sustainable development, support of human rights and freedoms, gender equality, and anti-corruption.
     Uzbekistan co-operates with confidence with Germany as a reliable partner in implementation of future plans of the Republic of Uzbekistan to join the World Trade Organization, as well as to expand the partnership and cooperation with the European Union. More effective interaction of our parliamentarians at such international inter-parliamentary structures as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA) is expected. The Permanent Delegation of the Uzbek parliament-members in the OSCE PA is committed to carry out joint actions with the parliamentary delegation of the Bundestag to work out and promote the joint resolutions at this world-respected inter-parliamentary structure. Thus, focusing their efforts on the solution of current urgent problems, including the struggle against the coronavirus pandemic, restoration of and support to the national economies damaged by the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic, the Parliament of Uzbekistan is focused on the constructive and mutually advantageous cooperation with parliaments of other countries. In this context, the Bundestag is one of the key partners of the Oliy Majlis in achievement of the goals set to strengthen peace, stability and achieve sustainable development in the Central Asian region and the world as a whole.
     In the current condition of the deepening crisis manifestations in the world, caused by the alarming epidemiological situation, the joint efforts of Uzbekistan and Germany are focused at curbing the coronavirus infection, the arrangement of effective preventive measures and treatment of the disease. Members of Parliament of our countries are undertaking necessary legislative measures to promote a dialogue and exchange of experience between the Oliy Majlis and the Bundestag.
     Contribution to the development of economic and investment cooperation is always in the centre of attention of the parliament-members of Uzbekistan and Germany. Regular meetings and contacts of parliamentaries of both sides, which take place in a friendly and constructive spirit, create favorable conditions for activation of mutually advantageous partnership between business circles of our countries. That practice, in turn, has a positive impact on promotion of joint projects in the fields of renewable energy, creation of new directions of cooperation, development of industrial clusters, digital technologies and “green economy”. Expansion of activity of the leading German companies and financial institutions in Uzbekistan, initiated by the heads of the two states during the talks held in March 2021, certainly need the parliamentary support. Inclusion of these issues in the agenda of the Group of Inter-parliamentary Cooperation and the relevant committees of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis is to strengthen the legal basis for successful implementation of joint projects and initiatives of the business representatives not only in the two countries but of other participants of the process as well.
     The Parliaments attach special importance to further development of the academic exchanges between our countries that should benefit the future successful cooperation of scientists and education experts with subsequent development of programs and projects supported by various financial structures and foundations. In turn, it will be the next powerful impulse to modernization of all spheres of public life, technical and technological progress as well as improvement of the investment environment expected in our country.
     Life itself shows how today the governmental and public structures of Germany and Uzbekistan regularly co-operate for the sake of peace and stability in the region, for sustainable development in the world. The constructive approach and success of such cooperation, first of all, depend on friendly and trusted relations of the people of our countries, including the members of the Parliaments representing millions citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Federative Republic of Germany.
Chairperson of the Committee for International Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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